Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, July 21, 2024


Psalm 23: 1-3, 3-4, 5, 6  (Read)

“The Lord is my shepherd.”

We are like sheep, and we look to the Good Shepherd to lead us beside still waters, and guide us along the right paths.
We fear no harm, because the Good 
Shepherd is at our side.  Where else should we turn?

Our Lord restores us when we are down, protects us with his rod and his staff when 
we are threatened.  We lack nothing when we trust in the Lord.  We fear nothing, even when our lives are at a low point spiritually or physically.

Our eyes are opened by our trust in the Lord; 
we are led out of the dark valley of sin where 

we did fruitless things in secret.  Like our psalmist 
King David, we are anointed with oil by the Lord, 
and we make a covenant with Him.

Our trust in the Lord is rewarded.  He sends His Son 

to save us, and His Spirit to live within us.  Surely 
goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life.

“I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
The promise that King David speaks of in his final days 

is what Jesus died for.  Jesus reconciles us with the 
Father, and when Jesus is raised up, we too are resurrected.
Having been rescued by our Savior, and now counted 

among His obedient sheep, we are ready to do His will. 
We are groomed to enter the Kingdom and to sit at the 

table that God sets for us.  If we believe in Him, we too 
shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.   Our Psalm speaks of the Lord as our Shepherd. Do you believe 

you are one of His sheep?  What does it mean to be counted among His flock?

2.  Our psalmist says that the Lord anoints his head with oil.  Are you one of 
the Lord's anointed?   Describe how the Lord is using you as one of His anointed.

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