Monday, July 8, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, July 14, 2024



Psalm 85: 9-10, 11-12, 13-14   (Read)

"I will hear what God proclaims, glory dwelling in our land.”


Our psalmist knows the importance of
listening carefully for the voice of the Lord.  We too
must listen attentively for the voice of the Lord and
be careful not to miss his presence among us.  
“I will listen for what God, the Lord, has to say.” 

How do we seek Him out?  Where do we find the Lord?
We find Him when we read and study His Word,
His living Word, as fresh now as it was thousands
of years ago.   For His Word is as penetrating as
a two edged sword, able to separate bone from marrow;
convicting us; pointing the way to salvation; and providing
us with an instruction manual for life.  
All we have to do is follow it.

As our psalmist cries out, “Near indeed is his salvation 
to those who fear Him.”  For us Christians the Psalm is
more than a cry.  It is a promise of salvation --
the psalmist prepares the way of the Lord.

The psalmist promises that the Lord himself will give us
his benefits.  And what should we expect?
Nothing less than the coming of the Messiah himself.
That’s what happens when “Kindness and truth shall meet;” 
when “Justice and peace shall kiss;” when “Truth shall
spring from the earth,” (when the Messiah is born).

The goodness and blessings that the psalmist speaks of 
are fulfilled in Christ.  Where else would we turn 
to receive real spiritual abundance?

For our Savior is truly “Glory dwelling in our land.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.   Our psalmist speaks of, 'Glory dwelling in our land,' and says that
the Lord's salvation is 'near indeed' to those who fear him.   These verses
suggest that our Savior is close at hand and accessible to all of us who
fear Him.  Describe how our Savior is present to you.

2.  The Psalm says, 'The Lord himself will give His benefits.'  Tell of the
benefits you are receiving from the Lord.

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