Monday, May 27, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, June 2, 2019


“God mounts His throne amid shouts of joy.” 

This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord, who was 
taken up to heaven to be seated 
at the right hand of the Father, 
far above every principality, 
with authority over every nation, 
as our second reading tells us.  
(Ephesians 1: 20-21)

With such an awesome God on His throne, 
what hope do we have as mere human beings 
that He will have anything more to do with us? 
How far removed can we be if this Jesus is taken
up to heaven and has all things put beneath His 
feet (including us)?

Fortunately, for us men, Jesus leaves us with a way 
to share in His divinity, through the Holy Spirit which 
He gives to us.  His power and presence remain within 
us, so long as we repent from our sins and believe 
in Him.

Power is often associated with arrogance and brutal 
treatment, but our God uses His power to work 
miracles, and bring about healing. He is risen, and
is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. 
Knowing this, we shout with joy, and we praise Him.

After Jesus' Ascension, the disciples began their 
active ministry, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
That same power is given to us so long as we believe; 
we too are called to ministry.  And for that we are 
inspired to praise the Lord, as the psalmist says, 
“Clap your hands, shout to God with joyful cries; 
sing praise to God!”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm speaks of God mounting His throne and reigning over the nations.   
If God is raised up so far above us, how do you go about having a relationship 
with our Lord so that He is present to you?

2.  The Psalm's verses tell of God as the great king over all the earth, and we are 
urged to sing praise to our king.  Describe how our Lord's Ascension inspires you 
to celebrate with shouts of joy.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 26, 2019


Psalm 67:  2-3, 5-6, 8   (Read)

“May God be gracious to us and bless us;
may God's face shine upon us.” 


So much that God does for us is contained
in this opening verse of the Psalm.  God gives
us His grace through His son Jesus, who is
our Savior.  And we all want God’s blessings as
the Psalm says.  Since the time of Moses,
God’s chosen people have reached out for
God’s blessings.


God gives us material blessings –
all our treasure and gifts are from Him.
And thankfully, He gives us spiritual blessings
as well – as St Paul tells us, to each individual
the manifestation of the spirit is given for
some benefit.  


No wonder that we Gentiles were attracted
to the faith, when St Paul and Barnabas
were traveling through the towns and visiting
the early churches.  And what could be better
than to have God's face shine upon us, as the
psalmist says.  We have a hint of what the
radiance of God's face may be like in this
Sunday's 2nd reading, where St John speaks of
the light of God's glory that shines in the
city of heaven.  (John 21: 10-11)


By ministering to the Gentiles the 'way' of
the Lord became known upon earth among
all the nations, as the Psalm says.  Indeed the
Psalm  predicts that God’s saving power shall
be known among all the peoples.  Thankfully,
that includes us.


Today we join with our psalmist and the members
of the early church in praising God –
“May the peoples praise you, O God;
may all the peoples praise you.”



Discussion Questions for Reflection
1.  Our psalmist asks that God will let His face shine upon us.   
Tell of how you have felt the radiance of God when He is present to you.

2.  The Psalm prays that the Lord's 'way' be known among all nations.   
What have you done personally to encourage others to follow 
the 'way' of the Lord? 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 19, 2019

Psalm 145:  8-9, 10-11, 12-13   (Read) 

“The Lord is good to all and
compassionate toward all his works.”


When we reflect on what God has
done for us, we remember that God
has always done good things for us. 
That is God's nature – as the Psalm
says, “The Lord is gracious and
merciful and of great kindness.”
And so we pray this psalm to bless,
praise, and exalt the heavenly Father
in His perfection and in His works.


Our psalmist dwells on the everlasting
nature of God, on his love and presence
throughout all time, and we are called
to praise the Lord forever.  Our psalmist
reminds us, “The Lord is good to all
and compassionate toward all his works.”
We know this inherently because we live
our lives with an unending stream of divine love.


There are times when we may question
why God allows us to suffer, why He allows
“bad things to happen to good people.”
We may ask, as the early believers probably did,
“Why is it necessary to undergo such hardships
to enter the kingdom of God?” 


Afflictions go hand in hand in our walk
with the Lord.   We may not understand
what God is up to, but we can be sure that
our faith will be strengthened if we stand
fast in the face of suffering.  We will become
better witnesses for Christ as we are humbled.
We become better servants if we bear up
with our difficulties and trust in the Lord,
as our psalmist tells us.  


Endurance is a Godly quality and will help
us to get 'yoked' to Jesus.   Having done that,
we, like our psalmist David, join with the
faithful and speak of the glory of God's reign
and bless His name.



Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.   The Psalm says, 'Let all your works give you thanks, O Lord.'    

Are you one of His works?   Tell of how you give thanks to the Lord 
and bless Him as one of His faithful ones.

2.   Our psalmist speaks of the everlasting nature of God's divine love.   

Describe how God's love has helped you to overcome hardship 
and get 'yoked' to Jesus. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 12, 2019


"We are God's people,
the sheep of his flock." 

The Psalm begins with a call for us
to 'sing joyfully to the Lord.'  That
same joyful spirit filled St Paul and 
his companions when they began 
their ministry to the Gentiles that 
day in Antioch.  (Acts 13:14, 43-52)
And their ministry has become our 
ministry – as our psalmist says, 
we are called to 'worship the Lord 
with cries of gladness; come before 
Him with joyful song.' 

But after all, we are like sheep, and 
we need someone to look after us 
so that we don't go astray.  What 
could be better than to have Jesus
as our Good Shepherd?   We are his 
lambs; we hear his voice; He knows 
us; and we follow Him. 

As our psalmist says, we belong to God.
And God has given us to his Son. No one 
can take us out of his hand, as Jesus tells 
us in today's Gospel. (John 10:27-30)
We are a well tended flock indeed. 

As our Lord's sheep, we hear his voice, 
we follow Him, and we praise Him because,
'Good indeed is the Lord, his love endures 
forever, his faithfulness lasts through every 


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  There is something comforting about being shepherded by
our Lord Jesus.  Our psalmist says we are 'the flock He tends.'
Speak of how you feel to be one of His sheep.

2.  The Psalm tells us to 'serve the Lord with gladness.'   Give an
example of how you are serving Him with a joyful spirit.