Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 5, 2019


“I praise you, Lord, for you raised me up."

This is a Psalm that Jesus himself 
might have prayed, following his 
resurrection: “I praise you, Lord, 
for you raised me up and did not 
let my enemies rejoice over me.”

Our Lord Jesus was raised up 
from the pit by the Father, even 
though He bore the weight of our 
sins.  “Lord you brought me up 
from the netherworld; you let me 
live, from going down to the pit.”

God’s anger over the sins of all men,
that Christ took upon himself, lasted 
but a moment -- “Divine anger lasts 
but a moment; divine favor lasts 
a lifetime.”

The Psalm speaks to us as we take part 
in the joy of Easter. The joy of the resurrection 
comes to us at dawn, after a terrible night, 
as it came to those early followers of Jesus.
“At nightfall, weeping enters in, but with the 
dawn, rejoicing.” And that alone is reason 
enough to change our mourning into dancing.

The Psalm concludes with praise that is 
worthy of the Lamb, and recalls for us the 
voices of the angels that St John speaks of in 
today's second reading from Revelation 5:11-12,
“O Lord, my God, forever will I give you thanks.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection 
1.  Our psalmist says that God's anger lasts but a moment, while His favor 
lasts a lifetime.   Give an example of how you have been blessed by God's 
favor after having fallen away for a time.

2.  The Psalm speaks of changing our mourning into dancing.   Tell of how the 
resurrection of our Lord has lifted you up and brought within you a rejoicing of the spirit.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, April 28, 2019


Psalm 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24   (Read)

“I was hard pressed and falling, 
 but the Lord came to me as savior.” 

Once again we visit this powerful psalm 
of praise and thanksgiving. This time the
verses stress the enduring love that God 
has for us, so much so that despite the part 
we played in crucifying his Son, God went
ahead with His plan to save us.
Jesus’ risen presence among us is living 
proof of God’s enduring love. Our psalmist
assures us, “God’s mercy endures forever.”

We may be hard pressed and falling, or
we may be spiritually sick and weakened 
by sin. Are we really any different from those
Dr Luke speaks of in today's first reading, 
any less desperate or in need of the Lord's 
healing power and presence in our lives? 
(Acts 5:15-16)

Fortunately the Lord comes to us as Savior,
as our psalmist says. And the Lord is present
to us when we are frightened, as He was present 
to those frightened disciples in the upper room. 
(John 20:19-21)
Who would have been more hard pressed and 
falling than they were before Jesus appeared 
to them and blessed them and extended his 
peace to them? That same source of strength 
the psalmist speaks of is available to us – 
all we have to do is believe and open our hearts 
to receive his saving grace.

As the psalmist says, the Lord is our strength.
He is present to us, just as He was in those early 
days of the church described in today's first reading 
and in today's Gospel of St John.
We may not have the awesome experience 
Thomas had of physically putting our hand in 
the Lord’s side and our fingers into the nail 
marks on his hand, but He is with us.  

We are victorious over death. The Lord’s
deliverance is cause for joy. Just when we were 
down, the Lord raises us up. “I was hard pressed 
and falling, but the Lord has been my Savior.” 
“The joyful shout of victory is heard.”  The verses of 
the Psalm confirm that we are on firm ground after all.

When Thomas put his fingers into the Lord's side,
it was clearly a moment of epiphany for Thomas 
and for us as well. Thomas was struck with awe, 
and came to believe in the risen Lord. What does 
it take for us, though we have not seen, to get down 
on our knees and say, “My Lord and my God.”
(John 20: 24-28)

Christ has become our cornerstone, as our 
psalmist reminds us. Christ has become a 
source of strength for us, despite his apparent 
weakness that day on the cross, when he died 
a shameful death. 

Only the Lord could have done this remarkable 
thing.  As the Psalm says, “By the Lord has this 
been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.” This is 
cause for rejoicing -- “This is the day the Lord
has made.”  Along with the disciples and the 
early church, “Let us be glad and rejoice in it.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Have you ever been 'hard pressed and falling,' as was our psalmist?   
Describe how the Lord has been your strength and courage in times of trouble.

2.  As the Psalm says, 'The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.'   Speak of how our Savior has become the rock you can rely on 
in your life.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Psalm for Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019


“This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad.”

Jesus’ risen presence among us
is living proof of God’s enduring love. 
As the psalmist says, “God’s love endures 
forever.”  The Lord’s deliverance is cause
for joy.  Just when we were down, the Lord 
raises us up. The joyful shout of deliverance
is heard. We are on firm ground after all – 
Christ has become our cornerstone.

In the Psalm we read in advance of the 
Paschal Mystery. Christ, who is rejected 
and then exalted, becomes the foundation
stone of the new People of God -- 
“I shall not die, but live and declare the 
works of the Lord.” This is Jesus speaking 
about His own resurrection and about His 
food, which is to do the work of the Father.

The Psalm says, “The right hand of the 
Lord has struck with power; the right hand 
of the Lord is exalted.” Our days of mocking 
our Savior are over; we no longer hurl insults 
at Him. 

Our savior has risen. “By the Lord has this 
been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.”
“The joyful shout of deliverance is heard in 
the tents of the victors.” The Psalm celebrates 
a great victory over death. This victory is 
delivered by the Lord’s right hand, a clear 
notice in advance of the power of the Son of God.

Our risen Savior has defeated death and the 
grasp that sin has on us. And having been saved,
what are we to do? What is our commission? 
St Peter tells us in today's first reading, “He 
commissioned us to preach to the people and 
testify that Jesus is the one appointed by God.” 
(Acts 10:42)

Christ has become our cornerstone. “The stone 
the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
Christ has become a source of strength for us, 
despite his apparent weakness that day on the cross, 
when He died a shameful death. Only the Lord 
could have done this remarkable thing:
“This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection
1.  The Psalm speaks of a great victory over death, 'I shall not die, but live.'  
Tell of how you share in Christ's victory over death and what this means to you.

2.  Having been saved from death, the psalmist says he will 'declare the works of 
the Lord.'   Speak of how you are empowered by our Lord's resurrection to go forth 
and proclaim the Gospel.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Psalm for Palm Sunday, April 14, 2019


“My God, my God, why have you 
abandoned me?”

David writes this psalm almost as 
though it were planned to be part 
of the Passion of Christ.  In fact 
the psalm becomes the prayer of 
Christ at the time of his crucifixion 
and speaks of the suffering that our 
Savior experiences on our behalf.

People are the same today as they were 
back then, when Jesus was being led to 
the cross.  We scoff at him; we mock him; 
we wag our heads and hurl insults at him.

Because he becomes contemptible in 
our eyes. He reminds us that we are a 
sinful people; he convicts us; he catches 
us in the lie;  he embarrasses us; he 
exposes us; he accuses us of being 

He holds us to a higher standard;
He speaks directly to God; 
He claims to be God's Son; 
and we reject him for this; and mock him. 
We do not move to assist him. 
Let God rescue him – 
“He relied on the Lord; let him deliver him;
let him rescue him, if he loves him.” 

These words of the psalm are the same 
words used by those who conspired against 
Jesus when he was dying on the cross. 
They did not realize that the suffering and 
death of an innocent servant would restore 
life for sinful man. The words they spoke 
were to be fulfilled, not by Jesus coming 
down from the cross, but by sinful humanity 
like us being delivered, forgiven, 
and lifted up. 

We are reminded by St Paul in today's second 
reading that Christ takes the form of a slave, 
obedient even to death for our sake. 
(Philippians 2:7-8) 
Isaiah in today's first reading speaks 
about the Messiah long before his birth and 
predicts that he will be beaten, and his beard 
will be plucked. (Isaiah 50:4-7)
But the servant does not rebel (as Isaiah tells us).
He knows that he will not be put to shame. 

God the Father is not far off, even when Jesus lies 
hanging on the cross. The psalm describes the 
Passion of Christ, and we know that what seemed 
like a moment of weakness for Christ became a 
source of strength for sinful humanity. 

Ultimately God reverses this righteous man’s 
condition.  As our psalmist says, “But you, O Lord, 
be not far from me; O my help, hasten to aid me.” 
Hope returns, the righteous man is delivered, and he 
celebrates his deliverance – “I will proclaim your name 
to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will 
praise you: You who fear the Lord, praise him.”

Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.   Were you part of the crowd of evildoers who closed in on Christ, that our 
psalmist speaks about?   Tell of what part you play even today in mocking Christ.

2.   The psalm asks, 'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?'  Do you 
believe that our Lord was truly abandoned by the Father?


Monday, April 1, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, April 7, 2019


“When the Lord brought back the captives
of Zion, we were like men dreaming.” 


What God did for the Israelites, he does 
also for us.  The Jews were liberated from 
being captives of the wicked Babylonians, 
and we are liberated from the captivity of sin 
by that same God who sent his Son to save us. 
Just as the woman in the Gospel this Sunday 
is saved from being stoned to death, Jesus 
redeems all of us from our wicked ways.

God takes pleasure in restoring us, as the 
psalmist says, and his pleasure is reflected 
by the joy in our hearts when we are reconciled 
with Him. “Our mouths [are] filled with laughter; 
our tongues [sing] with joy.” 

It may seem like we are dreaming when we 
make our own Exodus from our past lives of 
disobedience.  The future may be filled with 
a few dry stream beds, but if we are diligent 
and sow the seeds of repentance, we will be 
rewarded with a bountiful harvest and as the 
psalmist says, “We will reap with cries of joy.” 

We join with our psalmist who affirms,
“The Lord has done great things for us.” 
There is good news for us too -- 
we have the Messiah to lead us in our own 
spiritual Exodus, away from slavery to sin, 
and put us under the gentle yoke of Christ 
our Savior.

This is a message of hope; it is a calling that 
is future oriented. Isaiah, in Sunday's first 
reading, says the Lord is doing something 
new. (Isaiah 43:19)  St Paul, in the second 
reading, says that faith will lead us to an
“upward calling” in Christ. (Philippians 3:14)

For a better future we must do our part --
we must sow the seeds in order to gain 
repentance.  “Those who sow in tears shall 
reap rejoicing.”  Jesus did not condemn the 
woman caught in adultery – she is given a 
chance to repent and to pass from death 
to life. (John 8:10-11)  In the same way 
a seed dies and produces a harvest – 
“Those who go forth weeping, carrying 
sacks of seed, will return with cries of joy, 
carrying their bundled sheaves.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist speaks of the the Jewish captives being set free and
brought back from Babylon.  Tell of your own liberation this Lenten season 
from being captive to sin.

2.  The psalm contains a message of hope for us all -- that we shall reap 
joyfully in the days ahead.  Share how you expect to be raised up with the 
Lord as we approach our Easter celebration.