Monday, July 1, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, July 7, 2019


Psalm 66:  1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20  (Read) 

"Come and see the works of God."

The Psalm celebrates the awesome power of God, manifest in 'His tremendous deeds among the children 
of Adam.'  Our psalmist 
recalls the dividing of the 
Red Sea, which delivered 
Israel from the Egyptians, 
through the favor of God.  
That same awesome 
power that split the Red 
Sea became available 
to the early apostles of 
the Church, as they went about 
healing and doing signs and wonders.
Where does the power come from to heal

the lame  and drive out unclean spirits?  
It comes from the Holy Spirit, who empowers 
each of us to become a healing force within 
our family and our community.  
No wonder those early believers were eager 
to go forth into the towns and become 
laborers for His harvest and to rejoice 
because their names were written in heaven.

We too cannot help but sing praise to God when
we feel His presence within us.  We proclaim
His glorious praise, and we on earth worship Him.
We want all to know what God has done for us,
as the Psalm says, so we 'cry out to God with joy.'



Discussion Questions for Reflection 

1.  Our Psalmist invites us to, "Come and see the works of God."  

Give an example of the awesome power of God in your life.

2.  The verses of the psalm say, "Blessed be God who refused me not."   

Tell of how the Lord has answered your plea and your prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Come and see the works of God: His power is great.
    How awesome his works!
    He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the waters on foot. This reminds us of the story of Exodus. God heard the Israelites’ cries when they were enslaved and rescued them from the oppression of the Egyptians. God delivers us
    from sin, death, and evil, as He delivered the Jewish people from their oppressor, Egypt.

    Our unknown psalmist reminds us to sing the glory of God's name for what He has done on man’s behalf. And so we proclaim God's glory shouting with joy. He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.

    God gives us the Holy Spirit who empowers each of us to become a healing force in our lives and be able to drive out those unclean spirits that make us enslaved. How can we free ourselves from those dark forces? Only God’s great power can do it.

    With the Holy Spirit I feel God’s presence within me. Accordingly I have an eager heart to become his laborer, to serve Him willingly even though He tests me through trial by fire. I know my character will be refined through these trials like silver goes through the smelting process by fire. God’s trials bring me a deeper wisdom, helping me to discern the truth from falsehood. For that I sing praise to his name and worship Him.

    I am grateful that God does not refuse to answer my plea. He listens to my prayer whether I am sinful or not. How grateful I am. He has not withheld his love from me. For He wants me to repent of my sins so I can be delivered from death; He gives me life, Salvation.

    God’s Exodus is still happening. If we repent truly, He will hear our voice in our prayer. He is delivering me from the hands of evil forces. Praise be to God who is merciful and forgives even my unconfessed, hidden sins.
