Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 5, 2019


“I praise you, Lord, for you raised me up."

This is a Psalm that Jesus himself 
might have prayed, following his 
resurrection: “I praise you, Lord, 
for you raised me up and did not 
let my enemies rejoice over me.”

Our Lord Jesus was raised up 
from the pit by the Father, even 
though He bore the weight of our 
sins.  “Lord you brought me up 
from the netherworld; you let me 
live, from going down to the pit.”

God’s anger over the sins of all men,
that Christ took upon himself, lasted 
but a moment -- “Divine anger lasts 
but a moment; divine favor lasts 
a lifetime.”

The Psalm speaks to us as we take part 
in the joy of Easter. The joy of the resurrection 
comes to us at dawn, after a terrible night, 
as it came to those early followers of Jesus.
“At nightfall, weeping enters in, but with the 
dawn, rejoicing.” And that alone is reason 
enough to change our mourning into dancing.

The Psalm concludes with praise that is 
worthy of the Lamb, and recalls for us the 
voices of the angels that St John speaks of in 
today's second reading from Revelation 5:11-12,
“O Lord, my God, forever will I give you thanks.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection 
1.  Our psalmist says that God's anger lasts but a moment, while His favor 
lasts a lifetime.   Give an example of how you have been blessed by God's 
favor after having fallen away for a time.

2.  The Psalm speaks of changing our mourning into dancing.   Tell of how the 
resurrection of our Lord has lifted you up and brought within you a rejoicing of the spirit.


  1. J Kim7:05 PM

    “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8

    Upon reviewing the Psalm reflection questions, the above verse came to mind. The passage show the Lord’s unchanging, consistent nature over all time. When I experience seasons of spiritual dryness, it isn't the Lord who has changed or gone anywhere. It’s me.

    It is a warm feeling to walk back into His embrace after a time of having walked away or just feeling a greater distance.

    As is true with any relationship... what is the key to rekindling romance or a feeling of closeness? It is spending time together. Our ties with our Heavenly Father are not different — we are drawn to spend some more time with Him and reap the benefits of feeling in His favor again. This can be through meditation, contemplative prayer, reading the Bible, journaling, Adoration ...walking in nature... or one of my favorites — praying the rosary. Mary plays a powerful role in sweeping up our hearts and bringing them directly to her Son Jesus.

    We are each uniquely wired to appreciate different elements of this created world, but we all share the SAME desire to feel close to our uncreated and perfect God.
    And He does not disappoint. He cannot be outdone in His love for us. Always and forever.

  2. Our psalmist David must have experienced sickness which could be cured only through God’s healing hand. He was afraid of going down into the pit during that painful time. He called on God for help, cried for mercy. God turned his wailing into dancing because God’s anger lasts only a moment. God spared David. He brought him up from the pit. David exalts God and gives thanks to God forever.

    From time to time I have fallen away from God’s favor without knowing it. I misused God’s favor for my own security, which made me feel self-reliant and proud. This false security made me turn away from God. I blamed the Devil for my wrong choice. I was fooled, trapped and intoxicated by worldly possessions. I kept going the wrong way and I was off track.

    How could I regain the joy of the Resurrection? I thought for a moment. Like David I will cry out for Jesus' healing hand to touch my hardened heart. I know Jesus is merciful.

    The joy of Salvation returns to me. I am now rejoicing in his Resurrection. I am looking forward to be raised up with Jesus. Because God’s anger lasts only a moment and His favor lasts a lifetime.
    Do you know why ? Jesus Christ took our sins upon himself, carrying our sins in his body and He crucified our human sins with him once for all.

    By reading this psalm I came to know that God’s anger over the sins of all men lasts only a moment.
    Thanks be to God ! Sing to the Lord !
