Monday, August 26, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, September 1, 2024


“The one who does justice 
will live in the presence of the Lord.”

Just as Moses tells the Israelites 
how to take possession of the 
promised land (Deuteronomy 4:1)
so our psalmist tells us how 
we may climb the holy mountain of God 
and live in the presence of the Lord.  

The way forward is twofold -- 
love neighbor, and love God.   
If I truly love the Lord, 
then my heart will not be far from Him.    
If I love the Lord, He will remain in me;
how else would I expect my heart 
to remain pure?   
When my heart is pure, 
I do no harm to my fellow man; 
and I think the truth in my heart.  

St. James tells us to be doers 
of the word (James 1: 22, 27);  
we are to keep ourselves  
unstained by the world.   
And Jesus reminds us 
in the Gospel (Mark 7:15, 20-23)
that it all starts from inside; 
it is from within our hearts 
that evil thoughts reside.  
The things that come out from within 
are what defile us.

So if I am right with the Lord 
and my heart is close to Him, 
then I will not slander with my tongue 
nor take up a reproach against  
my neighbor.   Nor will I do harm 
economically to my neighbor.   
If I do these things, as our psalmist says, 
I shall never be disturbed, 
and I will live in the presence of the Lord.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.   Our psalmist says whoever thinks the truth in his heart 
will live in the presence of the Lord.   How do you go about 
preparing your heart so that you are able to receive the Lord?

2.  The verses of the Psalm remind us not to slander, 
nor to blame our neighbor, nor to harm our fellow man, 
nor to hurt him economically.   Explain how being a doer 
of the word is inspired by your love of the Lord.

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