Monday, August 17, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, August 23, 2020


“Lord, do not forsake the work of your hands.”

Our psalmist David composed this prayer 
of a grateful heart. “I will give thanks to you, 
O Lord, with all my heart.”

David is grateful because his petitions 
are answered by the Lord. “For you 
have heard the words of my mouth.”  
The Lord's answers to our psalmist's 
prayers have come at a critical time, 
a time when David is seeking to build 
up his strength.

David speaks of a divine rescue -- “When I 
cried out, you answered; you strengthened 
my spirit.”  Perhaps we’re all in need of a 
spiritual rescue of the type David describes.

And it isn’t because of any of the psalmist’s virtues 
that he obtains salvation. It is a result of God’s loving
fidelity. “Lord, your love is eternal.” Our God does not 
forsake the work of His hands, though as St Paul says
in Sunday's 2nd reading, “Who has given the Lord 
anything that he may be repaid?” (Rom 11:35) 

Unworthy as we are, and though the Lord is exalted,
He watches over us in our lowly state.  And thanks
be to God, His kindness endures forever.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist speaks of a divine rescue when he was in great need of the 
Lord's Providence.  Give an example of when you have cried out to the Lord 
and He has answered your cry.

2.  The Psalm's verses deal with an age old mystery--the Lord is exalted, 
yet the lowly He sees.   How do you reconcile the apparent contradiction between God's heavenly dwelling and His concern for us lowly humans?


  1. "Lord, do not forsake the work of your hands.”

    Our psalmist, David is confident of a divine rescue whenever he encounters a critical time and is in the midst of troubles. His pleas are answered by the Lord when he cries out, bows down, repents, and praises his name. Because he believes in God's love and faithfulness. And also David is aware that God alone knows what is best for him,
    and God alone can fulfill his purpose for him. David knows God preserves his life by answering
    his prayers because of God's eternal love for us, not because of our virtues.

    There were the times when I was so arrogant and proud that I misunderstood about God's fidelity and love for me. My faith was shallow. As I recall the day, it was one Holy Thursday night. My husband attended Mass by himself while I was at home resting due to dizziness. During the Mass he saw a vision of wind (the Holy Spirit) blowing towards me … it went through one ear to the other and quickly it went out to the other side. That was a vision he saw.
    At the same time on the same Holy Thursday Mass my daughter saw a vision about me while in Denver. She saw me lying down on the floor and from above she could see what looked like a fog coming down over me, enveloping me and covering my entire body from the top to the toes. It was a strange vision she saw. I could not figure out about what she saw. "I have a vision you will be healed, she said.”

    In the meantime I went through many various afflictions. My faith was being tested. As for my hearing, no matter how hard I pray for my hearing to be restored my prayer has not been answered. I am frustrated and I was angry with God. Why me?
    Lord, I was about to serve you seriously and know more about you, and i was determined to follow you without turning back. What a humiliation! My frustration led to my suffering from acute panic attacks and attacks from the devil. My life was miserable. I made my loved ones around me miserable. Especially I retaliated against my husband over some indifference he showed towards me. I was the meanest person in those days.

    I felt God deserted me. Although I had been proud of myself as a good Christian, I came to sense a spirit of arrogance living within me. I felt that since I was obedient to God's word he should answer my petitions. Much later I have realized that an unanswered prayer from God would be an answered prayer from God as well. For God knows what is good for me for eternity. Now I know an unanswered prayer from God is also an answered prayer for me.

    I am enjoying the deep sense of tranquility and peace other than material blessings. I am beginning to look at God’s plan through my life’s trials. I see things differently. I understand that answered or unanswered prayers are equally good. Even if I am disabled by loss of hearing I have learned and accepted to be content because I believe in the life after life.
    Yes, He alone can fulfill his purpose for me knowing what is the best for me as my Maker. I exalt you, Lord, do not forsake me, the work of your hands, when you look upon the lowly.

    1. J Kim7:04 AM

      Wow — such a powerful comment! I have rarely thought that an unanswered prayer could be an answer. I suppose no answer could be interpreted as a “no,” or “not yet...” Not in an unkind, merciless way, but in the gentle way God works. His plans are higher than ours and always meant for our best.

      Keeping an eternal perspective changes everything.

      How does my current circumstance or challenge touch my heart? Mold me? Humble me ? Make me more like Christ?

      He loves me as I am, but He wants even more for me. He sees my true interior state — the dirty corners that need some spiritual housecleaning.

      Through my mother’s comment above, I can better understand and accept God’s will this side of heaven... as hard as it might be sometimes.

      And those unanswered petitions for divine help might just be the strings that keep me attached to Jesus. Otherwise, how far would my heart stray in complacency and laziness ?

      Persistence in prayer is also a great tool in feeling close to God, as we were reminded In last week’s Gospel... the Canaanite woman bargained with Jesus, explaining that even dogs are fed their Master’s scraps under the table. I would be happy to receive some heavenly scraps.

      But sometimes... when it seems even the scraps are nowhere to be found, we still stay in prayer with God. And thank Him for listening and thank Him for paving the way for our very best to prepare us for eternal life with Him.
