“The Lord lifts up all who are falling
and raises up all who are bowed down.”
God allows us to suffer,
why he allows bad things
to happen to good people.
We may ask, as the early
believers probably did,
“Why is it necessary
to undergo such hardships
to enter the kingdom
of God?”
Scripture tells us that
afflictions are to be expected
in our walk with the Lord.
We may not understand
what God is up to, but we can be sure
that our faith will be strengthened
if we stand fast in the face of suffering.
We will become better witnesses
for Christ if we are humbled;
we become better servants
if we bear up with our difficulties
and trust in the Lord, as our psalmist tells us.
And as the Gospel says, we are raised up
by getting 'yoked to Jesus.' (Matthew 11:28-30)
That is how our burdens are made light,
by helping Jesus to carry His cross,
as Simon did that day on the road to Calvary.
Despite what we may think,
his 'yoke is easy and his burden light.'
Remember that endurance is a Godly quality
and will help us to get yoked to Jesus.
Having done that, we, like our psalmist David,
join with the faithful and
speak of the glory of God's reign
and bless his name.
Discussion Questions for Reflection
1. Our psalmist assures us that the Lord will lift us up when we are falling.
Speak of a time when you have undergone hardship and how your faith has
been strengthened.
2. The Psalm says that the Lord is "good to all and compassionate toward all
2. The Psalm says that the Lord is "good to all and compassionate toward all
his works." Tell how this verse inspires you to be more compassionate toward
those in your life who may not always be lovable in your sight.
We all carry a "heavy yoke" -- it could mean a habitual temptation or cycle of sin we're caught in, the guilt of trying to do the right thing and falling short, or financial, social, or even physical oppression. It could even mean seasons of spiritual dryness when we trudge along, hoping to recapture the joy of the Lord, but instead stumble over our own weariness.
ReplyDeleteJesus says He frees us from all of these burdens. In the Gospel, Matthew 11:29-30, He says, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." He loves us with such tenderness.
And if we're to follow His example, we must love others with that same tenderness. Impossible on our own, but 100 percent possible through His grace.
God's mercy reaches us even when our knees are in the dirt, our faces downcast, and shoulders slumped from the unbearable weight of our crosses. Jesus swoops in and lifts our chin. His eyes beam with love.
Psalm 145:14, says "The Lord upholds all who are falling, and raises up all who are bowed down." If our burden is lifted, we can hold our head up again and look upon His face... the source of all goodness.