there is nothing I shall want.”
the Good Shepherd to lead us beside
still waters, and guide us along right
paths. We fear no harm, because the
Good Shepherd is at our side.
The Psalm's words are a source of
peace for us, a source of strength,
a source of healing. The Lord
provides for us, as he does the little
sparrows and the lilies of the field –
“There is nothing I shall want.”
The Lord restores us, for we had gone astray
like sheep, but have returned to the shepherd
and guardian of our souls.
(Sunday’s 2nd reading,1 Peter 2:25)
Jesus himself assures us that we who enter
the sheepfold through Him will be saved and
will find pasture (Gospel, John 10:9).
We lack nothing when we trust in the Lord.
We fear nothing, even when our lives are at
a low point spiritually or physically. Having
been rescued by our Savior, and now counted
among His obedient sheep, we are ready to do
His will. We are groomed to enter the Kingdom
and dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Discussion Questions for Reflection
1. The Psalm assures us that we will be given repose by the Lord and
led to restful waters. Describe how these verses are a source of peace
and a source of healing for you.
2. Our psalmist assures us that only goodness and mercy will follow us
all the days of our life and that we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Tell of how you are comforted by these words that speak of our eternal joy
in the Lord's mansion.
1. The Psalm assures us that we will be given repose by the Lord and
led to restful waters. Describe how these verses are a source of peace
and a source of healing for you.
2. Our psalmist assures us that only goodness and mercy will follow us
all the days of our life and that we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Tell of how you are comforted by these words that speak of our eternal joy
in the Lord's mansion.