Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, July 31, 2016


Psalm 90: 3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17  (Read)

"Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain wisdom of heart."

The Psalm reminds us that man’s
days are numbered, and that we 
should use our time wisely, making 
our days and our life count 
for something.

And how do we do that?
We do it by being open to the
wisdom of God. Just as Solomon
preferred the gift of wisdom over
material wealth, and concluded
that so much of what we do in the
world is vanity, we too see the
advantage of using our time wisely
by doing the Lord's will.

Although we may never receive
the wisdom of Solomon, we can hope
for some ability to be detached from
worldly things, which can separate
us from God.

How do we do this? Where does
the ability come from, to cut through
all our present day concerns?
It is obtained by listening to St Paul,
who tells us to put to death the parts
of us that are earthly, take off the old
self and put on the new self.
(Colossians 3:5,10)

And Jesus tells us in the Gospel that
we need to store up treasure in heaven
and be rich in what matters to God.
(Luke 12:21)

If we can get that right, we may receive
the favor of the Lord and be counted
among his sheep. As the Psalm says,
“May the favor of the Lord our God
be ours.”

How much better will our lives be
if we may sing for joy, as the psalmist
says, and be filled at daybreak with the 
love of the Lord.  And having received 
God’s favor, we will want to be His 
servants and do His work. We will 
become laborers in the field where the
harvest is plentiful. And as the
Psalm says, “The work of our hands
will prosper.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our Psalm Response this Sunday is, "If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts."  How would you apply these words to the Psalm's message about using our time wisely?

2.  The Psalm ends with a petition that the Lord will "prosper the work of our hands!"  
How do we be sure that our work will gain the favor of the Lord? 


  1. J Kim6:38 PM

    One of Jesus' last messages before He succumbs to temporary death, was "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34). If Jesus finds it important enough to model forgiveness, even up to his last breath, I believe we should take note.

    Whether it be a frightening act of global terrorism or a nagging annoyance with a family member, the key to our peace is forgiveness. If we ask God to help us right away, no bitterness or fear can take root. The ground of our hearts becomes hostile, if you will, to such weeds. Instead of hardened hearts, forgiveness leads to softened hearts, open to the seeds of God's love and understanding.

    The wisest use of my time on earth is to grow those good seeds that have already been sown. They just need nourishment and care through prayer and conscious effort to be more like Jesus -- to have a heart, eyes, ears, mouth, hands, and feet like his. The perfect Gardener who created the paradise of Eden stoops down to help me everyday. Often, several times a day.

  2. We must “OPEN" our hearts to the Lord and our neighbor. In so doing, we will definitely gain the favor of the Lord. The more each of us is given, the more the Good Lord expects of us. Seek the Lord and you shall find Him. Start with prayer.

  3. When I read this passage, Luke 12:20, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you,' Jesus challenges me with this awakening message. Yes, my life is numbered and my time on earth is limited. I should live wisely with my eternal home in mind because I am fragile. I am to return to dust any moment of my life if my soul is required. God is eternal.

    In spite of knowing all this, I have a desire to accumulate worldly materials for my future security. This attitude of mine often cuts me off from serving both others in need and God. My desire for financial possessions often hinders me from giving generously, loving others,and serving God.

    The Psalmist also reminds me that we should use our time wisely by doing God's will. First I want to put my sins in the light of His Presence. With firm faith and trust, I want to use my time, money, and energy for others' welfare in order to gain Kingdom values more. I want to be more faithful to Jesus, work diligently, and obey his commands. Then I will gain the favor of the Lord. May the favor of our God rest upon me!
