Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Psalm for Sunday, February 16, 2014


Psalm 119:  1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 (Read)

“Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord.”

Our psalmist is in prayer asking for many things.
He asks, "Open my eyes, that I may consider the
wonders of your law."  We may not think of the
law as wonderful, but rather may consider it restrictive
and harsh, but if we learn to do His will, we find that
we are liberated, set free from the sin that drags us

down.  We choose life instead of death.

The Lord reveals to us very clearly how to live a life
that is "happy" and full of peace.  "Happy are those 

who observe God's decrees, who seek the Lord with
all their heart."

Our psalmist petitions, "Instruct me, O Lord, in the 

way of your statutes that I may exactly observe them."  
We cannot do this by ourselves, without God's help. 
And so our psalmist asks, "Give me discernment that
I may keep [your law] with all my heart."   

Doing God's will (keeping His commandments) isn't 

easy, but having received His grace, and having been
granted discernment to know right from wrong,
good from evil, we can follow Him with conviction. 
Our 'yes' will mean 'yes' to the Lord, and our 'no' will
mean 'no' to the devil and his minions.  And just like
our psalmist we also pray "May my ways be firm in
the observance of your laws!"

Having decided to do His will, we take delight in 

keeping His statutes; they are like honey to us.
And the blessings we receive are part of what
God has prepared for those who love Him.


Discussion Questions for Reflection 

1.  Our psalmist affirms that those who walk in the law of the Lord, 

those who observe His decrees, will be happy and blessed.   Based
on your own experience, how do you seek the Lord by keeping His 

2.  The Psalm's verses petition the Lord to instruct us in the way of His 

statutes.  Tell of how you receive guidance and discernment from the Lord
that will help you observe His law and keep it with all your heart.


  1. Since God's Word, the Bible, is true and faithful, it makes us wise and gives us wisdom and discernment to use as a road map or guide. Otherwise we will wander aimlessly as we travel through our life. Obedience to His Word and statutes is the only way that we can choose life and gain "true happiness" and "perfect freedom." His Word points us to the safe road ahead of us and helps us to avoid destruction so that we won't lose our salvation.

    There were many times I failed to keep His laws. I had no peace of mind and It was like death. When I decided to forgive the persons who did harm to me I was freed from oppressive guilt. I started to look at those who wronged me from the heart of Jesus, thinking Jesus has already forgiven my offender . I realized that by living God's laws I gained freedom to see God's plan for my life. It is not always easy to follow His law. But after several falls along my journey of faith I find that my faith has grown and our Lord has given me a heart full of joy.

  2. "Happy are those who observe God's decrees, who seek the Lord with all their heart! We firmly believe we cannot do this without God's help."
