Monday, June 17, 2013

Psalm for Sunday, June 23, 2013


Psalm 63:  2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9

“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.”

This prayer of longing was written at a time when
David was in the desert, a place where physical
thirst was all around him and the earth was
parched, lifeless and without water.
But David is writing also about a spiritual thirst
that overwhelms him and reminds him
of the emptiness of life without God.


David meditates on those happier moments when
he was close to the Lord, when his soul
was satisfied as with the riches of a banquet,
and when he took shelter in the shadow of
the wings of God.


We too go through times of spiritual deprivation
when we walk away from God and indulge in
sinful practices that separate us from God.
At those times, like a penitent sinner, we
experience our deepest longing for the love of
the Lord and we seek out his loving embrace.
As our psalmist says, at times like that our soul
clings fast to the Lord, we bless him, we glorify him,
we praise him.



Discussion Questions for Reflection
1.  Our Psalmist is thirsting for the Lord.  Describe a time
in your life when you felt parched spiritually and you thirsted for God.

2.  Having called out to God, our Psalmist clings fast to Him.  What does

 it mean to you to have your soul satisfied, "As with the riches of a banquet?"

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