Monday, August 10, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, August 16, 2020


"So may your way be known upon earth;
among all nations, your salvation."

No wonder the Gentiles (people like us) 
were attracted to the faith when St Paul
and Barnabas were traveling through
the towns, visiting the early churches, 
and ministering to the Gentiles.  

The apostles were doing as Jesus did 
when He encountered the Canaanite 
woman in the region of Tyre and Sidon  
(Gospel, Mt 15:21-28).
Though she was not a member of the 
house of Israel, Jesus recognized how 
great was her faith, and the woman's 
daughter was healed from that hour.

By ministering to the Gentiles the Way 
of the Lord became known upon earth 
among all the nations, as the Psalm says.  
Indeed the Psalm predicts that God’s 
saving power shall be known among all 
the peoples.  Thankfully, that includes us.

So much that God does for us is sung
in the Psalm's verses, which pray,
"May God have pity on us and bless us;
may He let his face shine upon us."

 God gives us His grace through His son Jesus,
   who is our Savior. 
God gives us material blessings – 
    all our treasure and gifts are from Him. 
He gives us spiritual blessings  – 
    we know these as fruits of the spirit. 

Today we join with the members of the early church 
in praising God – “May the peoples praise you, God; 
may all the peoples praise you."


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm petitions God to 'Let His face shine upon us.'  In what way 
do you believe that God has let His face shine upon you?

2.  Our psalmist calls for God's salvation to be known among all the nations.  
How are you evangelizing to those who do not know His saving grace?


  1. J Kim5:12 PM

    I used to think I had to be all aspects of Jesus to all people -- his heart, his face, his hands and his feet. How exhausting! And how unwise ... as sometimes, my efforts to be kind and charitable to another, would fall flat or result in someone taking advantage of me.

    I have come to learn that the role of the Holy Spirit is very important, especially his aid in discernment. Is it the right time to open up a Bible and discuss a parable? Is it fruitful to speak of my faith in all situations? And do I even listen to him when he prods, "Yes, daughter, go ahead..."

    I do not wish to sound as if I am taking a step back in evangelizing; rather, I hope it sounds as if I am more in tune with what approach is best and when to share my faith.

    I have always been a believer in the quote often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, which says, "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary." Evangelizing with words and knowledge of Scripture is truly important -- a person who needs reason to be convinced, might benefit from a heart to heart coffee chat about my faith.

    Sharing my faith through action, behavior, and attitude also has its place. A passing stranger or hardworking restaurant waiter might be more attracted to a kind smile, a gentle nod... perhaps even a "God bless you" as I leave, offering the best tip I can afford during these COVID times.

    On more than one occasion, I have had distraught women approach me in public restrooms. They have sad stories to tell -- a mom grieving the loss of her adult daughter, or a woman just trying to make ends meet for her family. I have been gifted to listen -- so I do. And I part ways after asking their name, and saying that I will pray for them.

    The Lord pours his mercy on me daily. I must make an effort to share that same saving grace with others who need it, especially in this increasingly bleak world.

  2. The Psalm predicts that God’s saving power shall be known among all the peoples.

    Regardless of who you are, whether Gentiles or Israelites, God looks into your heart to see your individual faith. If your heart is right in the eyes of God, He surely shines his face upon you. And He grants you inner joy and peace of mind.

    You can experience God’s healing power known among all the peoples. He has pity on you and blesses you — all spiritual blessings as well as material blessings are given to you through his son Jesus Christ. Since you have earned God’s Salvation free of charge, freely you get his saving grace.

    I feel obligated to pass around this good news to those of you who do not know our Savior yet. I feel motivated to evangelize to the peoples around me starting with my close family, encouraging you to show a Christian servant’s attitude as a doer, instead of speaking louder. So you will see Jesus in my actions. You can praise and give glory to God. But frankly speaking I have failed to be a doer. I ended up to be a listener of God’s words.
    I am still struggling. Lord, when will my struggling end? I am helplessly disappointed with myself.

    Lord, let your face shine upon me. You fill me with your spirit. Once again let me enjoy peace, joy, love, patience, endurance, goodness, kindness.
    And give me a charitable, compassionate heart to those of you who do not know our Lord yet. Help me to remember be a “channel of your peace,” as the hymn says. Encourage me to do to the least of you brothers and sisters what I have done for the Lord.

    Like this in a small way I want to evangelize to you who are not saved yet in order to let you know about God's saving grace. You may glorify the Lord through my little good acts. Yes I do believe joy comes from spreading the good news about Jesus around the world. I want to share the Gospels.
    Let your face shine upon me !
