Monday, August 28, 2017

Psalm for Sunday, September 3, 2017


“My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.”

This prayer of longing was written 
at a time when David was in the desert, 
a place where physical thirst was all 
around him, and the earth was
parched, lifeless and without water.
But David is writing also about a spiritual 
thirst that overwhelms him and reminds 
him of the emptiness of life without God.

David meditates on those happier moments 
when he was close to the Lord, when his soul
was satisfied as with the riches of a banquet,
and when he took shelter in the shadow of
the wings of God.

We too go through times of spiritual deprivation
when we are away from God and indulge in
sinful practices that separate us from Him.
At those times, like a penitent sinner, we
experience our deepest longing for the love 
of the Lord, and we seek out His loving embrace.
As our psalmist says, at times like that our soul
clings fast to the Lord, we bless Him, we glorify Him,
we praise Him.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist seeks the Lord because his soul thirsts for Him.
Give an example 
of a time when you have hungered for God's presence and blessing in your life.

2.  The Psalm speaks of gazing toward the Lord in the sanctuary.  Tell of a time 

when you have gazed at the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of your parish 
and how you could see His power and His glory.


  1. A while back, I was up in Santa Cruz attending the funeral service of a good friend. It was dark when I headed off for the airport in San Jose.

    The closer I got to San Jose, the more unfamiliar everything became. I turned off too soon and finally did a U-turn. I was lost, and I started praying fervently. As I continued on, I began to recognize buildings that I had seen earlier that day. Then there were planes overhead, and finally the parking structure for the “rent -a-cars”, and I was back at the airport! Then, lots of "THANK YOU PRAYERS”. I was one happy, rescued Christian!

  2. We all want to cling to God because He will rescue us with His right hand. Look at David, how he cried out when he was in that parched, dry desert. He knew that only God could satisfy his needs. I can see God’s presence, protection, and provision over David when his soul was longing for God.

    Yes, there is a time I too hungered for God’s presence and grace because I felt I was left out and alone when I started losing my hearing. I felt as if I was totally cut off from my friends and my community, even from my own husband and daughters. Nobody knows how lonely I am with limited communication. I could not hear either the Gospel, the choir, or the homily. My heart becomes dry and weary. How I wish once again to hear beautiful music, Opera, orchestra.
    If I could listen to songs of worship, my soul could be more satisfied. I could worship and praise God with a thankful heart.

    I thought I might still hear and feel His presence whenever I earnestly seek Him. Although He did not cure my hearing yet, instead He gives me the strength to endure, and to accept this hardship as my personal cross. I am beginning to go through this humiliating situation and become a more
    humble person. It might be good for the benefit of my Salvation.

    I have a faithful, loving God. In spite of all that, my soul is still longing for God. Someday He might answer my prayer in my lifetime, or I may hear beautifully when I see Jesus face to face. I thought what a blessed and beautiful moment it will be! I am longing for that day.

    When I gaze at the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, the Spirit tells me He is there in our midst. And so I could see his Power and His glory as my Savior. He still cares for me. I will praise Him as long as I live.

    1. This comment brings tears to my eyes! Some of us who have perfect hearing still do not listen and do not recognize His voice. And yet, you, can perceive His message clearly, regardless of the bodily ability to hear. What a beautiful witness of faith. I, too, imagine and hope for the indescribable moment of seeing my Savior's face and resting in His presence forever.
