Monday, June 8, 2015

Psalm for Sunday, June 14, 2015

Reflections (by J Kim)

Psalm 92: 2-3, 13-14, 15-16  (Read)

"Lord, it is good to give thanks to you."

Displaying an attitude of gratitude.  Sending a 
thank-you note.  Saying your "please and 
thank you’s.”   Such are lessons we teach our 
children as we train them in what is socially proper.  If only we would spend as much time considering what is proper in the spiritual sense.

God our Creator is all-deserving and worthy of our praise. 
A well-known prayer guide pinpoints five essential elements 

of prayer.  Adoration, Confession, Petition, and Intercession,
are ALWAYS followed by Thanksgiving.  Psalm 92:1 is often 

quoted in support:  "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, 
to sing praise to your name, Most High."

Also to be noted is the use of the word "sing" in that first verse.
The Lord loves to hear our voices in song.  Thus, hymns of any 

sort are an integral part of worship.  Something about singing 
focuses our hearts on Jesus and softens his heart to accept 
our prayerful pleas.

Our Abba Father gives us our days in 24 hour increments.
Could we handle any more?  His grace is enough for each day;
the psalmist writes, "It is good to proclaim your kindness at dawn
and your faithfulness throughout the night."

The cedar of Lebanon is a mighty and beautiful tree referenced
throughout Scripture.  In this Sunday's first reading, a small cedar 

shoot is replanted and compared to a "majestic cedar" as it grows 
strong with its roots  firmly planted. (Ezekiel 17:22-23)  The Psalm 
says, “The just one shall flourish like the palm tree, like a cedar of 
Lebanon shall he grow."

Later, the psalmist writes, "They shall bear fruit even in old age;
vigorous and sturdy shall they be."  Living in a righteous manner, 

with the foundations of our beliefs firmly rooted, we too are called
to have the strength and fruitfulness of the cedar, even unto the
very end of our earthly lives. 


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  "Lord, you are holy indeed.  It is right to give you thanks and praise."
These are familiar words to any Mass-goer.   How do you sincerely give thanks
to the Lord in your daily life?

2.  How can you become more like the upright palm tree or the majestic and 

firmly-rooted Lebanese cedar?  Do others see you as a just and righteous person
through your everyday speech and actions?  What can you change about 

yourself so that you, too, can "bear fruit even in old age?"   


  1. When you do something even just a little extra, we all expect thanks. This past couple of weeks, we were disappointed when we did not receive a "thank you’” for sharing a garden tool with a neighbor (we even had to go get the tool); another neighbor did not return an item as promised; not receiving a response from a grandchild when we attempted to communicate with them several times, etc. Disappointing yes, certainly not of major consequence. Imagine the Good Lord’s disappointment when He does not receive our continued thanks and appreciation for all that He has done for us. Let us resolve today, to be more appreciative for all that He has done for us.

  2. The psalmist says in Psalm 92, "You, O Lord are exalted forever," proclaiming, "The Lord is upright."

    Am I really acting in a faith-filled way? Am I thankful and faithful every day like the psalmist, who offers up thanksgiving to the Lord ?

    I am like a senseless, ignorant human being who does not know or understand God's profound thoughts. I still try hard to bear fruit in my old age. Because of His faithfulness towards us, I still live firmly rooted in my belief that Jesus Christ is my savior. He is worthy to receive my thankfulness and praise.

    Even though I do not fully thank our Lord, or put my faith into action at times of suffering or hardship, He knows what is best for me. That's why He deserves my love and I have to follow His plan according to His will for me.

  3. Barry6:40 PM

    For me, one way that I give thanks to the Lord is by being a daily communicant along with my wife. I once mentioned to a presiding priest at our weekday morning Mass, "This is a good way to begin the day." He responded by saying, "This is the ONLY way to start the day!" Of course he is right. First things first; our Lord deserves no less than our undivided attention and thanks and praise at the beginning of each day. It is no accident that early in the Mass when we say the Gloria we glorify Him, "'We give you thanks for your great glory."

    When I attend weekday morning Mass, the majority of the participants are those of us who are growing old. But we are not just merely sitting there passively; we are active participants in the Mass as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and servers. And this is true for weekend Masses as well. Though we may be nearing the end of our journey, we are still bearing fruit, and our wisdom and devotion and willingness to serve are an inspiration to others.
