Monday, June 22, 2015

Psalm for Sunday, June 28, 2015


Psalm 30:  2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13  (Read)

"I praise you Lord, for you raise me up;
you kept me from going down into the pit.”

God is in the business of healing, as our 
first reading says. (Wisdom 1:13)
God did not make death, nor does He rejoice
in the destruction of the living.
“His divine favor lasts a lifetime.”
Just as Jairus' daughter is saved from death
in this Sunday's Gospel (Mark 5:41-42),
we too are able to be saved from going down 

into the pit.  We too are eligible for a spiritual 
resurrection if our faith is strong.

We may be rebuked by God for disobeying Him.
We are, after all, his wayward children,
and He loves us as a Father loves his own.
God's compassion and mercy are with us not 

only in this life, but in eternity.  “Divine anger lasts
but a moment; divine favor lasts a lifetime.”

Our Lord Jesus himself was raised up from the pit

by the Father, even though Jesus bore the weight 
of our sins.  God’s anger over the sins of all men
that Christ took upon himself, lasted but a moment.

The joy of resurrection comes to us at dawn, after a

terrible night, as it came to those early followers of
our Savior.  “At nightfall, weeping enters in,
but with the dawn, rejoicing.”  And that alone is reason 

enough to change our “mourning into dancing,”
“to clothe us with gladness.”   We are prompted
to “sing endless praise to the Lord.”
“O Lord, my God, forever will I give you thanks.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist praises God for having rescued him and brought 

him 'up from the netherworld.'   Tell about how you have been saved 
from your enemies, the devil and his companions.

2.  The Psalm says that the anger of the Lord lasts but a moment.   

Have you been rebuked by the Lord? If so, what did you learn from this, 
and in what way are you grateful for being corrected by the Lord?


  1. When I look back at my past life, I was shaken by all my illness and sufferings which I went through one after the other. I have not truly enjoyed a quality life. I questioned myself why God is still angry with me and does not favor me with good health.

    I did try hard to please God, attending bible class, and Mass almost every day. I felt good to know I was knowledgeable as compared with others. That pride entered into my heart. I felt self-sufficient and proud of myself. In fact, my service to Him was merely lip service.

    God's anger is a sharp pain. I realize now the sufferings and illness are a warning to turn away from sin. To suffer a little is spiritually good for me. "His anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime."

    Psalmist David's illness and hardship turn out to be beneficial to him as well.I feel more secure now to know more about God's mercy and love toward human beings.I'm sure that my temporary toils and hardships on earth will turn out to be rejoicing for eternity. I will give you thanks, my Lord.

  2. I thank the Lord and I praise the Lord. On the 17th two of my sons arrived at the airport with their families……late, but safely! Over the next couple of days, the 2 remaining sons arrived with their families. Their were 16 of us, of all ages,… for 3 nights, Carol and I slept over at a friend's house. What a great family reunion…we haven’t done that in a long time! As today’s reading says…….”a Father loves his own!” What an absolutely wonderful Father’s Day present! Carol and I are indeed grateful.
