Monday, November 25, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, December 1, 2024


Psalm 25: 4-5, 8-9, 10, 14

“Good and upright is the Lord,

who shows sinners the way.” 

We are blessed to have a God 

who does not disregard us.
On the contrary, He is a caring, 
compassionate God, willing 
to humble himself to share in 
our humanity, so that we might 
share in His divinity.  Who else 
would have such regard for sinners, 
for believers who disobey Him?

The Lord is talking to all of us here; 
we are all sinners.  Jesus was criticized 
for consorting with sinners, but He 
replied that the sick (people like us) 
are the ones who need a physician.
We are all able to benefit from the 
healing power of Jesus.  As our 
psalmist says, the Lord is compassionate 
and loving.  All we have to do is to 
humble ourselves before Him and keep 
His covenant.

“Make known to me your ways, Lord; 

teach me your paths.”
The prophets tell us that if we follow 
the Lord's way, we will  be able to turn 
away from sin and avoid death.  And 
how does the Lord show us the way?
By sending us His son, who is the way, 
the truth, and the life!

We know that salvation is available to 

us through the coming of the Messiah. 
Our psalmist, David, celebrates the 
coming of Christ when he says, “You 
are God my savior, for you I wait all 
the day long.”

And where does the power come from 

to turn away from sin?  It comes from 
the Lord, who “shows sinners the way.” 
It is He who encourages us when our 
tongues confess – 
“The Lord guides the humble rightly, 
and teaches the humble His way.”



Discussion Questions for Reflection 

1.  Our Psalm response this Sunday is, 'To you, O Lord, I lift my soul.'
As we begin the season of Advent, speak of how you are raised up 
spiritually by the coming arrival of our Lord.

2.  Our psalmist petitions the Lord to make known His ways and teach
us His paths.  Tell of how you have been shown direction by the Lord 
along the path of life.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, November 24, 2024


Psalm 93:  1, 1-2, 5  (Read)

“The Lord is king, robed in majesty."

The Psalm celebrates God’s Kingdom,
in which the Lord reigns with majesty,
“gird about with strength.”  God revealed
His  kingship when He created the world.
But it is during the end times that the
kingdom of God will be displayed in
all its glory.  This is in keeping with
our readings this week,  in preparation
for our celebration of the Solemnity of
Christ the King this Sunday.

The prophet Daniel in this Sunday's first
reading speaks of the coming of the Son
of Man during the end times. (Daniel 7:13-14)  
Sunday's second reading (Revelation 1:5-6) 
is more explicit and brings us into the picture. 
Christ’s blood frees us, and makes us into a
kingdom, where we become priests for God
the Father.

The kingdom is to be ruled under the Lord's
decrees, which are firmly established, as the Psalm
reminds us.  But as Jesus says in the Gospel,
His kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36)
His kingdom cannot be observed.  But surely
it is among us, and most certainly, in our hearts.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist proclaims, "The Lord is king, robed with majesty,
girded with might."  Yet our Lord Jesus did not seek a kingdom belonging to this world.  Where do you find the kingdom of the Lord?   How do you reach our mighty Lord?

2.  The Psalm says that the Lord's throne stands firm and is everlasting.  In what way do you gain strength from this verse?

Monday, November 11, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, November 17, 2024



Psalm 16:  5, 8, 9-10, 11   (Read)

"O Lord, you will show me the path to life.”

This psalm of David speaks to us
about a belief in an everlasting life
with God.  “Lord, my allotted
portion and my cup, you have made
my destiny secure.”

The psalmist takes refuge in the Lord --
“With the Lord at my right hand,
I shall never be shaken....  My body,
too, abides in confidence.”

The distress that the prophet Daniel 

speaks about in Sunday's first 
reading (Daniel 12:1) is overcome by 
the assurance in the Psalm that the 
Lord will not abandon his people (us). 
“For you will not abandon my soul 
to the netherworld, nor let your 
faithful servant see the pit.”

In addition, we can understand the last 

verses of the Psalm as a prophecy of the
glorious day when we will see God’s Son
seated at the right hand of the Father.
“You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.”

St Peter also uses the Psalm as a 

prophecy that Jesus would be raised up 
and would sit at the right hand of the 
Father. (Acts 2:25-28)   For us these 
are encouraging words, with a promise 
that we too can look forward to being 
lifted up and spending the rest of our
days in the presence of the Lord.

The Lord promises, if we are his faithful
servants, that we will not have to see 

the pit.  He will not abandon us.  As David
says, this is enough to make our hearts 
glad and our souls rejoice.


Discussion Questions for Reflection


1.  Our psalmist says that he will not be shaken or disturbed
so long as the Lord is with him at his right hand.  Speak of how
the Lord enables you to be strong, so that your faith cannot be shaken.

2.  The Psalm says that the Lord will show us the path to life.
Explain why this verse gives you confidence that you, as a
believer, can look forward to an everlasting life with God.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Psalm for Sunday, November 10, 2024

Psalm 146:  7, 8-9, 9-10   (Read)

“The Lord gives food to the hungry, sets captives free.”


This Sunday's Psalm sings of the promises of the Lord.  
Just as Elijah promised the widow in this Sunday's first
reading that she would not go hungry (1 Kings 17:16),
so does the Psalm promise that the Lord will sustain
the widow and the fatherless.   

But the Lord’s promises go far beyond flour and oil.  
The Psalm contains encouraging words not only for
poor widows, but for each of us as well.
God's promises are fulfilled in the person of Jesus,
who carries out the promises of the Psalm – He sets us
captives free and gives sight to us so we can truly see.
And Jesus sustains us -- with real food and drink.
“The Lord raises up those who were bowed down.” 
We are all bowed down because of our brokenness
at one time or another.  And where do we turn to be
lifted up and made whole again?   We turn to the Lord. 
Who else has the grace and the mercy to heal us?

Have we not been under pressure from the evil one
to commit sin?  Have we not been held captive at
one time or another by our sins?  And do we not
experience a hunger for the Lord and for a deeper faith?

That same power that gives sight to the blind and
raises up those who are bowed down is available
to lift us up away from whatever imprisons us. 
All it takes is to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior,
and open our hearts to Him.

So we can pray this Psalm, not only in honor of the
heavenly Father, but also in honor of Christ, whom God
exalted.  And having done that, we can join with the
psalmist and sing, “The Lord shall reign forever;
our God, through all generations."


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist promises that the Lord will secure justice for the oppressed
and set captives free.   In what ways have you been imprisoned, and how
has the Lord set you free?

2.  The Psalm says the Lord gives food to the hungry.  Describe how the Lord
has given you real food and drink to satisfy your hunger for a closer relationship
with Him.