"Lord, let us see your face and we shall be saved."
The Psalm is a prayer to
restore Israel, at a time
when the chosen people
were scattered and had
withdrawn from God.
restore Israel, at a time
when the chosen people
were scattered and had
withdrawn from God.
The Psalm is well adapted
to our prayers during Advent.
We are a people scattered
and separated from God,
and we await His coming.
Our psalmist makes a direct
appeal to God to shepherd us,
“Shepherd of Israel listen;
come to save us.”
“Turn again Lord, attend to this vine.”
The Lord tends to His vineyard.
He protects a shoot planted by His
right hand, the son of man whom God
himself made strong. The coming of
Christ is intended to revive us, restore
our strength. As the Psalm says,
appeal to God to shepherd us,
“Shepherd of Israel listen;
come to save us.”
“Turn again Lord, attend to this vine.”
The Lord tends to His vineyard.
He protects a shoot planted by His
right hand, the son of man whom God
himself made strong. The coming of
Christ is intended to revive us, restore
our strength. As the Psalm says,
“Then we will not withdraw from you;
give us new life, and we will call upon
your name.”
give us new life, and we will call upon
your name.”
We all need to be renewed from
time to time when our faith grows
lukewarm, when our hearts harden
due to the sins that separate us
from God. We, like the Israelites,
need to beg for God’s mercy,
to petition the Lord and seek His
peace, the peace that will guard our
hearts and minds, and restore us as
His people. We are after all,
time to time when our faith grows
lukewarm, when our hearts harden
due to the sins that separate us
from God. We, like the Israelites,
need to beg for God’s mercy,
to petition the Lord and seek His
peace, the peace that will guard our
hearts and minds, and restore us as
His people. We are after all,
the work of His hands. (Isaiah 64:7)
Where does our hope for revival
come from? It comes from our savior,
sent by the Lord, our cornerstone.
In Him we are restored. “Lord of
hosts restore us; let your face shine
upon us, that we may be saved.”
Discussion Questions for Reflection
1. The Psalm says, 'Lord, make us turn to you.' Have you noticed at times when
we stray off His path how the Lord tugs at each of us so that we return to His ways. Give an example from your own experience.
we stray off His path how the Lord tugs at each of us so that we return to His ways. Give an example from your own experience.
2. Our psalmist is writing about the scattered people of Israel, but his words may
apply to each of us in our separation from God. In what way do the Psalm's verses encourage you as we begin the season of Advent?