ReflectionsPsalm 91: 1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 (Read)
This Sunday's Psalm is about God’s
protection of the faithful. It applies to us
who place ourselves under His protection
along the path of life. The psalmist
addresses us, “You who dwell in the shelter
of the Most High, say to the Lord, 'My refuge
and fortress.'”
As mentioned in Sunday’s first reading, the
Israelites were in great distress under the
oppression of the Egyptians. What the Lord
did for them, He is prepared to do for us,
“The Lord heard our cry and saw our
affliction.” (Deuteronomy 26:7)
In today's Gospel even the devil respects
the power of God and His commitment to our
security, when he quotes this verse of the Psalm,
“For God commands the angels to guard you in
all your ways.” (Luke 4:10)
And how do we obtain this level of protection
amidst the snares along the way and the terror
of the night? We call upon the Lord, and we trust
in Him to deliver us, “Whoever clings to me I will
deliver; whoever knows my name I will set on high.”
St Paul proclaims a similar message in Sunday's
second reading, “Everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)
Our psalmist agrees and quotes the Lord,
“All who call upon me I will answer; I will be with
him in distress; I will deliver and give him honor.”
What could be more reassuring than that?
Discussion Questions for Reflection
1. Our psalmist speaks about God's angels guarding us in all our ways.
Give an example of how you have been borne up upon the wings of angels
and given power physically or spiritually to trample down the devil and his minions.
2. In the Psalm God says that if we cling to Him, He will deliver us and set us on high. Tell of what it means to you to 'cling' to the Lord, and having done so, how have you been made free from evil that threatens you.