Monday, March 30, 2020

Psalm for Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020


“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

David writes this psalm almost 
as though these verses are to be 
part of the Passion of Christ.  
The psalm even becomes the
prayer of Christ at the time 
of His crucifixion and speaks 
of the suffering that our Savior 
experiences on our behalf. 

People are the same today as they 
were back then, when Jesus was being 
led to the cross.  We scoff at Him; 
we mock Him; we wag our heads; 
and hurl insults at Him.

Why?   Because He became sin; He took our
sins upon himself and become contemptible
in our eyes.  He reminds us that we are a sinful
people; He convicts us; He catches us in the lie; 
He embarrasses us; He exposes us; He accuses
us  of being hypocrites.  The truth hurts!  We who
are mired in the pit take a  perverse delight in
seeing our Lord suffer for our sake.

Christ holds us to a higher standard; He remains
above sin; He speaks directly to God; He claims
to be God's Son; and we reject Him for this; and
mock Him. We do not move to assist Him;
let God rescue Him.

As our psalmist says, “He relied on the Lord –
let God  deliver him; let God rescue him, if He
loves him.”   These are the same words used by
those who  conspired against Jesus when He was
dying on the cross. They did not realize that the
suffering and death of an innocent servant would
restore life for sinful man. The words they spoke
were to be fulfilled, not by Jesus coming down from
the cross, but by sinful humanity like us being
delivered, forgiven, and lifted up with God’s Son.

We are reminded by St Paul in today's second reading
that Christ takes the form of a slave, obedient even to death
for our sake. (Philippians 2:7)  And the prophet Isaiah in our
first reading  speaks about the Messiah long before his birth
and predicts that He will be beaten and His beard will be
plucked. (Isaiah 50:6)   But the suffering servant does not rebel
(as Isaiah tells us).  He knows that He will not be put to shame. 
The Father is not far off, even when Jesus lies hanging on the cross.

We know that what seemed like a moment of weakness for Christ
became a source of strength for the rest of us.  As our psalmist says,
“You Lord do not stay far off; my strength, come quickly to help me.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist says, "All who see me scoff at me."  Are you one  of those
who mocked Christ?   Can you identify with those who wagged their heads 
and shouted, "Let God deliver him; let God rescue him."   Explain.

2.  The verses of the Psalm are a plea to the Lord, "Be not far from me;  
O my help, hasten to aid me."   Give an example of a time when you have 
called out to God to hurry and rescue you.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, March 29, 2020

Psalm 130:  1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8   (Read) 

“With the Lord, there is mercy and fullness of redemption.” 

The psalmist calls to the Lord from “out of the depths” 
of his sin that has brought him near to death.  He asks
the Lord, “Hear my cry for mercy.”  He waits with longing
for the Lord, knowing that God forgives, and redeems us, 
even when we abandon Him.  “My soul looks for the Lord 
more than sentinels for daybreak.”

There is no way we can please God, so long as we remain

in the flesh, as St Paul says in Sunday's 2nd reading (Romans 8:8). 
But God forgives us, gives us 'life in the spirit' and saves us 
from death (remember 'the wages of sin is death.')  What
greater act of forgiveness could there be than the sacrifice 
of the Son of God for our sins?  “But with you there is 
forgiveness, that you may be revered.”

We too await our redemption with hope, knowing that even

if we are dead in our sins, the Lord will revive us.  We too 
cry out to the Lord for forgiveness –  “Lord, may your ears
be attentive  to my cry for mercy.”

Redemption is a promise made to us, just as the Lord 

promised  the Israelites that he would open their graves and 
put his Spirit within them, so they would live. (Ezekiel 37:12-14)

That same Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, and St Paul 

tells us the Spirit of God will give life to our mortal bodies also. (Romans 8:11)
This is that  “full redemption” the psalmist talks about that is
later made real to us in the Gospel story of Lazarus. (John 11:1-45)
And so we too have come to believe and revere our Lord, 

as happened in the Gospel among the Jews in Bethany.  
Truly, 'Our God is an awesome God.'


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist sings about the promise of forgiveness that is 
available to us 

if we trust in the Lord.   Speak about how you will seek out God's mercy during 
this Lenten season.

2.  The Psalm talks about 'plenteous redemption,' or the 'fullness of redemption.'   

Tell what this means to you as you prepare for the coming of Easter.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, March 22, 2020


“You anoint my head with oil.” 


Just as David was anointed by Samuel,
so too we are chosen by the Lord to be 
His servants and to do His work. 

Our own family members may scoff at this, 
and we may think we are least likely to succeed 
as a servant of God.  But the Lord anoints ordinary
people to do extraordinary things. The weak 
are chosen to shame the strong. 

Where does the power come from to do the 
Lord's work?  Like David, we are anointed 
with oil by the Lord, and we make a covenant 
with Him.  Our trust in the Lord is rewarded.

We must do as David did and open our hearts 
to receive the Holy Spirit.  St Paul says it another 
way in this Sunday's second reading – 
“Awake O' sleeper, and Christ will give you light.” 

Sunday's Gospel shows us that Jesus came to cure
our spiritual blindness. We lack nothing when we 
trust in the Lord. We fear nothing, even when our 
lives are at a low point spiritually or physically.
Our eyes are opened by our trust in the Lord; 
we are led out of the dark valley of sin,
where we did fruitless things in secret.

Our response, as the psalmist says, is to let 
the Lord lead us, to listen to Him, and to take 
courage from Him. God sends his Son to save us 
and His Spirit to live within us. “Surely goodness 
and mercy will follow us all the days of our life, 
and we shall dwell in the house 
of the Lord forever.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist says that the Lord guides us in right paths for His name's sake.   
Do you feel chosen to do God's will?  If so, how are you overcoming any obstacles 
to make it happen?

2.  The Psalm's verses affirm, 'The Lord is at my side, with His rod and His staff 
that give me courage.'  Are you empowered to serve God and live out the Gospel?  
Give an example.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, March 15, 2020


Psalm 95:  1-2, 6-7, 8-9   (Read)

“We are the people God 
shepherds, the flock He guides.”

The Psalm is a call to praise 
the Lord and to obey Him. 
We are cautioned not to 
'harden our hearts' as the 
Israelites did at Meribah. 
We are not to test the Lord 
as our spiritual ancestors 
tested the Lord 'as in the day 
of Massah in the desert.'  
After all, we are 'God’s well 
tended flock.' 

Our Lord is a good shepherd, and we 
are His sheep. As St Paul tells us in 
today's second reading,  the love of 
God is 'poured out into our hearts 
through the holy Spirit.' (Romans 5:5)
Knowing that, we should 'bow down 
in worship, kneel before the Lord 
who made us,'  as the Psalm says.
And when we humble ourselves
and open our hearts to the Lord, 
we are set free. We are no longer
constrained by the things of this world, 
and we can be open to His love and 
His teachings. 

Today's Gospel  affirms that Our Lord Jesus 
is our savior, and just as the life of the Samaritan
woman at the well was transformed by the words 
of Jesus, we too can be transformed, if we truly 
listen to the Lord.  Not only will He tell us 
'everything we ever did,' but He will give us 
that living water which quenches our spiritual 
thirst. (See John 4: 5-42)

At that point our hearts will no longer be hardened.
We will 'bow down in worship,' and as our psalmist
says, we will greet our Lord with a song of praise.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist encourages us not to harden our hearts if we hear God's voice.  D
o you find it difficult sometimes to carry out God's will in your life even if you believe He is speaking to you?   Give an example.

2.  The psalm reminds us that we are like sheep and the Lord is our shepherd.  
Are you willing to be just an ordinary sheep  among His flock?  If so, what does it mean to you to be shepherded by the Lord?

Monday, March 2, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, March 8, 2020


“The eyes of the Lord are upon those who
fear Him, to deliver them from death.”

The Psalm is praise for God’s providence,
the blessings He gives us. “The Lord fills 
the earth with goodness. His works are 

We may not have the faith of Abraham 
(Genesis 12:1-4), but we can be sure 
the Lord’s eyes are upon us – “The 
Lord’s eyes are upon those who hope 
for His gracious help.” As our psalmist 
says, “O Lord, we have put our hope 
in you.”

In Sunday's 2nd reading, St Paul says 
that God has saved us and called us to 
a holy life.  (2 Timothy 1:9)
The Psalmist confirms this – “We are 
delivered from death, kept alive in times 
of famine.” We may not be starving for 
physical food, but we could face spiritual 
death from sin if we were not saved by 
our Lord Jesus.

“The eyes of the Lord are upon those 
who fear Him, to deliver them from death.”
Remember, the wages of sin is death, and 
we are all afflicted.  Fortunately for us, 
Christ destroyed death and brought life, 
as St Paul says (2 Timothy 1:10),
so it is natural that we openly ask for His 
help and His protection.   He is our shield 
in the spiritual battle that we all have to fight.   
“Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help 
and our shield.”

If we trust in the Lord, His eyes will be upon 
us so long as we count ourselves among 
those who fear Him, and we can expect 
to receive His grace. 

Through His goodness we can expect a 
transfiguration of our own, and that same light 
which shone from Jesus' face that day on 
Mt Tabor can be a source of light for us 
and those around us. “We have put our hope 
in you, O Lord.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  As our psalmist says, the Lord's eyes are upon us, and that is a good thing 
because of His saving grace.  Speak of how you depend on God's providence 
to preserve you as you go about your daily life amidst the world's attractions.

2.  The Psalm assures us that God's love and mercy will be granted to us, as we 
place our trust in Him.  Give an example of how you have trusted in the Lord and how you have benefited from His kindness.