Monday, October 29, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, November 4, 2018


Psalm 18:  2-3, 3-4, 47, 51   (Read)

“The Lord Lives!”

The Psalm is saying that the Lord 

is present to us, here and now

just as He was when He delivered 
David from his persecutors.

The really key revelation for us is 

that the Lord lives.  He lives among 

us; He is present in the Word; Jesus 
is in fact the Living Word; He is 
present on the inside of us through 
the Holy Spirit.  He is alive in the 
Eucharist; He humbled himself to 
share in our humanity, so that we 
might have a share in His divinity!

So Jesus is alive and well, standing 

by us as our “rock of refuge, our
shield, our saving horn.”  We join
with David in praising God and loving
Him with all our heart and all our mind,
as Jesus reminds us to do in this Sunday's

Gospel.  (Mark 12: 28-34)

How do we apply the Psalm's verses to 

our lives?  We turn to our Lord to equip
us for the battles that we fight against the
evil one.  Jesus becomes our fortress!

In this Psalm we hear David, crying out 

to the Lord, as one cries out to his savior.
“My God, my rock of refuge, my shield,
my saving horn, my stronghold.” David
has just emerged after being saved
by God from his enemies and the clutches
of King Saul.  David has been rescued by
that same God of compassion and mercy
that spoke to Moses in Sunday's first reading.

(Deuteronomy 6: 2-6)

David says, “You have shown kindness to 

your anointed.”  God promises to hear us
when we cry out to Him as our psalmist

David praises his savior in language that 

is familiar to us as his spiritual descendents:
“The Lord lives!  Blessed be my rock!
Exalted be God my savior!”

For David has been delivered from the 

forces of evil that surrounded him.
And that same deliverance is available to
us, so long as we surrender ourselves
to God and love God with all of our heart
and soul and strength.



Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist exclaims, 'The Lord lives!'  Speak of how
the Lord is present to you and why you believe He is your rock,
your fortress, here and now.

2.  The Psalm makes it clear that David loves the Lord and
that the Lord is the source of his strength.  Describe your love
for the Lord and how you have been led to serve Him and
praise Him.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, October 28, 2018


Psalm 126:  1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6   (Read)

“Restore our fortunes, O Lord.”

This Sunday's Psalm celebrates the 
reversal of Israel’s fortune, and return
from exile, which could not have
occurred without God’s intervention.
The psalm's verses reflect praise for 

what the Lord has done.  “The Lord 
has done great things for them.”

The psalm is also a petition asking 

the Lord to look after the future of the
remaining Israelites.  And there is an
expectation that God will guide them 

in achieving prosperity.

“Restore again our fortunes, Lord, 

like the dry stream beds of the Negeb.”  
This calls to mind our lst reading from 
Jeremiah, where God promises to lead 
the remnant of Israel to brooks of water,
on a level road, so that none shall
stumble.   (Jeremiah 31:9)   We too are 

looking for that water which restores 
and renews, cleanses us and purifies us, 
that living water which satisfies our
spiritual thirst.

The Psalm also reminds us the truly great thing 

the Lord has done for us is to send his only
begotten Son to be by our side.  Jesus’ presence 

in our lives is a guarantee of a spiritual harvest 
that will lead to our own salvation.  Just as 
Bartimaeus, the blind man in the Gospel, is saved
by his own faith, the Lord promises us a transition 

from a sinful existence to a world of joy.  (Mark 10:52)

The Psalm says it well, “Those who go forth weeping, 

carrying the seed to be sown, shall come back rejoicing,
carrying their sheaves.”  And therein lies a lesson for us – 

to let go of our own baggage, and pick up the Lord’s
burden, because we know his yoke is easy.

Whatever type of spiritual exile may imprison us, Jesus 

shows us a way out.  God is in the business of deliverance.

As the prophet Jeremiah confirms, we go among the blind 

and the lame to the promised land. (Jeremiah 31:8) 
We carry our sacks with us and within those seeds that 
we sow is contained the promise of new life, the reversal 
of whatever misfortune may trouble us.  When the
harvest comes in, we can join with the psalmist and sing, 

"Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues sing for joy.”



Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm alludes to a reversal of spiritual exile that may apply to people like us.  

Tell of how the Lord has brought you back from a time of being distant from Him.

2.  Our psalmist suggests that we carry the seeds of our own salvation even while 

we go forth weeping.  Speak of how your faith has saved you, when you looked 
to the Lord for healing.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, October 21, 2018


 Psalm 33:  4-5, 18-19, 20, 22   (Read)

"Lord, let your mercy be on us,
as we place our trust in you.”

Our Sunday Psalm is written in praise
of God’s power and providence.
It is the Lord’s design for his
people that stands through all
the generations.  It is through
his plan that we are saved.
Our own feeble efforts count for
nothing.  We must be submissive
and abandon ourselves to his providence.

And how do we know his plan?
This Sunday's lst reading (Isaiah)
graphically outlines what God has 

in mind for his Son, that He be 
'crushed for our offenses.' (Isaiah 53:10)
As unpleasant as this sounds,
that is how we are delivered from
death.  Because Christ humbles himself for
our sake, becomes a slave to our sin,
there is hope for us, even in our time
of spiritual famine   The psalmist has it right,
“The Lord’s eyes are upon those who fear Him, 

to deliver them from death.”

In Sunday's 2nd reading, the Letter to the Hebrews 

answers the question, “How can we approach the throne
of God?”  The answer is with confidence, and then 
we will find mercy and grace. (Hebrews 4:16)
The theme of the Psalm is the same, “The Lord’s eyes 

are upon those who hope for his grace.”

It is said that even people who have no faith 

have a longing in their hearts for God.  There is something 
missing in their lives.  For us who are believers,
we are dependent on the Lord – we openly ask for 

his help and his protection.  He is our shield in the 
spiritual battle that we all have to fight.

If we trust in the Lord, his eyes will be upon us, 

and we can expect to receive his grace.  And as 
the psalmist says, through the Lord's grace we
are delivered from death, kept alive in times of famine.   

And for this we praise the Lord.  As the psalmist says,
we know He will fill the earth with goodness and his 

kindness will be upon us.  The Psalm ends on a positive
note, “Lord we have put our hope in you.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The psalmist says, 'Our soul waits for the Lord.'  Tell of how you have 

a spiritual hunger for the Lord in your life, and explain how the Lord satisfies 
your longing.

2.  The psalm's verses state that, 'The eyes of the Lord are upon those who 

fear Him.'   Do you feel the eyes of the Lord upon you because you hold 
Him in awe?  Explain.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, October 14, 2018


Psalm 90: 12-13,14-15, 16-17    (Read)

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we 

  may gain wisdom of heart."

The Psalm reminds us that man’s days are 
numbered, and that we should use our time 
wisely, making our days and our life count 
for something.  And how do we do that?  
We do it by being open to the wisdom of God.
Just as Solomon preferred the gift of wisdom 

over material wealth (Wisdom 7:7-9), so too
do we see the advantage of using our time 

wisely by doing the Lord's will.

Although we may never receive the wisdom 

of Solomon that this Sunday's first reading 
talks about, we can hope for some  ability to be 
detached from worldly things, which can separate 
us from God.

How do we do this?  Where does the ability come from, 

to cut through all our present day concerns?
It comes from the Word – “The Word of God is sharper
than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between 

soul and spirit, joints and marrow." (Hebrews 4:12)

Scripture teaches us that the Word will give us a 

correct view of life, and this will allow us to have
a right relationship with the Lord.  Having got that right, 

we may receive the favor of the Lord and be counted 
among his sheep.  As the Psalm says, “May the favor
of the Lord our God be ours.”

How much better will our lives be if we may sing for joy, 

as the psalmist says, and be filled at daybreak
with the love of the Lord.   And having received God’s 

favor, we will want to be His servants and do His work.  
We will become laborers in the field where the
harvest is plentiful.  And as the Psalm says, 

“The work of our hands will prosper.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm speaks about using our time wisely.   Tell of how you set 

your priorities so that you are serving God and doing His will.

2.  Our psalmist talks of how we may gain 'wisdom of heart.'  Give an example 

of how you are receiving wisdom to discern a correct view of life so that you 
will not offend the Lord.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, October 7, 2018


Psalm 128:  1-2, 3, 4-5, 6   (Read)

“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
in the recesses of your home.”

Our psalmist tells us that a man who has
a right relationship with the Lord will also
obtain a right relationship with his wife and
his family.

And walking in the ways of the Lord will be
reflected in the way a man treats his wife.  
A man’s wife is after all, “bone of my bones,
flesh of my flesh.”  (Genesis 2:23)

As Christ nourishes the Church, so a man
cherishes his wife, and nourishes his relationship
with her.  And the man’s reward is that his wife
will be like a ‘fruitful vine’ within his house. 
This is how a man is blessed who fears the Lord.

If we have a right relationship with the Lord,
we will know how to treat our wives and our
children, and in turn, we will discover how blessed
we are in our home and by the presence of our
family.  “Just so will they be blessed
who fear the Lord.”

Having been so favored by God, we understand
why, “A man shall leave his father and mother and
be joined to his wife.”  God made them one flesh,
and, “What God has joined, no human being may
separate.” (Gospel, Mark 10:7-9)

If we fear the Lord and walk in His ways, we will
receive the blessings of our labor, prosper in a
material way, and grow old gracefully in the company
of our wife and children.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist speaks of the benefits of a right relationship with the Lord. 
Tell of how fearing the Lord has led you to have a better relationship with your
spouse and your family members.

2.  The Psalm asks, "May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives."  Recall
how you have been blessed by God, both physically and spiritually, and how you have been inspired to walk in His ways.