Monday, August 29, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, September 4, 2016


“In every age, O Lord, you have been 
our refuge.”

Our Psalmist describes us humans
as miserable creatures, whose lives 
are dismally brief.  We are like the 
“changing grass, which at dawn 
springs up anew, but by evening 
wilts and fades.”  What hope is 
there for us humans whose lives 
are cut short in our sleep?  Our 
sinful nature incurs the righteous
anger of the Lord.
“The corruptible body burdens the 
soul.” (Wisdom 9:15)
What are we to do?

We are to take refuge in the Lord,
as the Psalm says. We are to pray 
that we may gain wisdom of heart, 
as our Psalmist says. We are to ask 
for God's favor in our lives. We are 
to humble ourselves and learn to fill 
our limited days by doing the Lord's 
will in our lives.  However fleeting our 
lives, we pray that God will “prosper 
the work of our hands,” that we will 
know the will of God and act upon it.

We are to pray through the dark night 
that God will fill us at daybreak with his
kindness, for this will be the day of our
salvation.  We are to have a right 
relationship with the Lord, believe in His 
Son, who took upon Himself our weak 
human form, so that we would know 
what it means to bear our cross as He
did for us. Christ took on the earthen 
shelter of human flesh in order to show 
us how to let go of it.

It is no accident that many seniors are 
counted among those believers who 
attend daily Mass.  For as they approach 
the end of their brief lives on earth, their 
days more and more are filled with the 
hope of being part of God's kingdom 
forever.  All of us look forward to the day 
when we may sing for joy in God's 
presence and be filled with the love of the 
Lord.  As the Psalm says, “May the 
gracious care of the Lord our God be 
ours forever.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm speaks of 'numbering our days aright.'  What are you doing to make  
your days on earth count for something in the eyes of the Lord?
2.  Our Psalm carries a strong message that our human lives are fleeting but that  
God is eternal.  How are you preparing to be in God's presence forever?

Monday, August 22, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, August 28, 2016


Psalm 68: 4-5, 6-7, 10-11 (Read)

“God, in your goodness, you
have made a home for the poor.”

Our psalmist sings a tribute to our
sovereign God, who makes a home
for the poor in spirit. Though we may
be forsaken, or neglected, or alone 
with no one to care for us, our God 
prepares a home for us. It is as Jesus 
tells us,  “In my Father’s house there 
are many dwelling places. If there were 
not, would I have told you that I am 
going to prepare a place for you?”  
(John 14:2)

Being poor in spirit implies that one is
humble, and does not exalt himself.  
In our Gospel this Sunday, our Savior 
reminds the Pharisee within us that the 
one who humbles himself will be exalted.
(Luke 14:11)

And in Sunday's first reading, we are told 
to conduct our affairs with humility, “Humble 
yourself the more, the greater you are, and 
you will find favor with God.” (Sirach 3:18)

Our psalmist assures us sinners too that 
God will lead us out of whatever sinful habit 
is holding us captive. “He leads forth the 
prisoners to prosperity.”  Like the 'bountiful 
rain' showered down upon us, God restores 
us and provides for our needs.

For all that God does for us, as the Psalm 
says, we are to “Sing to God, chant praise 
to His name!”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist speaks of a 'bountiful rain' from the Lord, showering down upon us. 
Tell of how you have been restored by God's living water when you were parched 
and thirsty for His presence.

2.  The Psalm says that God 'leads forth prisoners to prosperity.'   Have you been 
set free from sinful habits or worldly attachments by the Lord's healing hand?   Explain.


Monday, August 15, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, August 21, 2016


“Praise the Lord all you nations;
extol Him all you peoples!”

This Sunday we sing this briefest 
of Psalms that inspires us to rise up 
and praise the God of Israel, and 
having done so, to go out to all the 
world and tell the Good News.

Just as Isaiah prophesies in Sunday's 
first reading, God reaches out to us
no matter what our language, no 
matter we live in the distant coastlands, 
no matter we have never heard of God 
or seen His glory.  Isaiah says it this way,
“I shall send survivors to distant coastlands 
and they shall proclaim my glory among 
the nations.” (Isaiah 66:18-19)

And St Paul cites this psalm in Romans 
Chapter 15 when he exhorts the faithful 
to minister to the Gentiles. (Romans 15:11)
We too are called to reach out to those 
who are distant from us spiritually, even 
though they may not be distant physically, 
some of whom may even be
within our midst.

And what inspires us to proclaim the 
Good News? It is as our psalmist says,
“God's love for us is strong;
His faithfulness is forever.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our Psalmist is inspired by the power of God's love.   Speak of how God's love 
and mercy have done a work in your life.

2.  The Psalm prompts us to witness to those who may be distant from us spiritually.
Give an example of how you proclaim the Good News to those who may not know God.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, August 14, 2016


Psalm 40: 2, 3. 4, 18  (Read)

"Lord, come to my aid!"

Our psalmist waits for the Lord
to reach out to him. He begs
the Lord, “Lord, come to my aid!”

In Sunday's first reading
the prophet Jeremiah was lifted 
out of the cistern. (Jeremiah 38:10)
So too our psalmist David says,
“The Lord drew me out of the
pit of destruction.” We are like that.
We are weak on our own;
we need the Lord’s strength to be
delivered from our sinful ways.

We put our trust in God.
Our God is an awesome God.
“Many shall look on in awe
and trust in the Lord.”

Our psalmist says, “He put a 
new song into my mouth.” 
For us, too, it is no longer the 
same old tune.  We are in fact 
a new creation, joyfully
singing out the good news.

Where does our joyful spirit 
come from? It comes from the 
Lord, and we are called to share 
what He has given us and to do
his will, which is our delight.


Discussion Questions for Reflection
1.   Our Psalm recalls for us that we place our trust in the Lord.  Speak of how 
you have been lifted up and delivered by God.

2.  Our psalmist says that the Lord has put a new song into his mouth.
This reminds us that we are a new creation in the Lord.  Tell of how you have been
reborn in the Spirit.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Psalm for Sunday, August 7, 2016


“The eyes of the Lord are 
upon those who fear Him, 
to deliver them from death."

The Lord's eyes are upon us 
because we hold Him in awe, 
we praise Him.  Like a Good 
Shepherd He protects us from 
harm; He puts up a hedge 
around us and provides us 
with armor in our battle 
against death and the evil 
one. He feeds us when we
go through periods of spiritual
hunger. He nourishes us and 
gives us our daily spiritual 

Where else would we turn 
for deliverance from death, 
the kind of death which is a
consequence of sin? 
Remember, the wages of sin 
is death, and we are all afflicted.
Fortunately for us, Christ 
destroyed death and brought 
life to us.

We would be dead in our sins 
without the Lord's protection, 
defeated by the evil one
without the Lord's armor. 
And when our heart is starved
for God's presence, when our bones
are dry, He nourishes us and 
breathes life into our dry bones.

It is through His divine plan that 
we are saved. Our own feeble efforts 
count for nothing.  We must be submissive 
and abandon ourselves to His will and 
His grace. Because Christ humbles
Himself for our sake, there is hope 
for us, even in our time of spiritual 
famine. That is the meaning of the verse,
“Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we 
place our trust in you.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our Psalm Response this Sunday is, "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen 
to be His own."  Speak of how you apply this verse to your daily life.

2.  Verse 12 of the Psalm says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  
Tell of how important it is that our nation receive God's blessing and His protection.