Monday, July 20, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, July 26, 2020


"Lord, I love your commands."

Our psalmist is in prayer, 
expressing his love for the Lord's 
commands, and promising to keep 
His words.

We may not have the wisdom 
of Solomon, but we have enough 
discernment to recognize how 
powerful the Lord's decrees can be 
in our spiritual lives. Just as the law 
of the Lord is precious to our psalmist, 
so too is the law of the Lord central 
to our lives and to our faith.

Our psalmist says that the Lord's decrees are
wonderful, and therefore he observes them.
We may not always think of the law as wonderful
(some people may consider it restrictive), 
but if we learn to do His will, 
we find that we are liberated,
set free from the sin that drags us down.  
We choose life instead of death.

Doing God's will (keeping his commandments) 
isn't easy, but having received His grace,  
and having been granted discernment 
to know right from wrong, good from evil, 
we can follow Him with conviction.  
Our 'yes' will mean 'yes' to the Lord,
and our 'no' will mean 
'no' to the devil and his minions.

Having decided to do His will, 
we take delight in keeping His statutes; 
they are like honey to us.
And the blessings we receive 
are part of what God has prepared 
for those who love Him. 


Discussion Questions for Reflection 

1.  Our psalmist says he observes the Lord's commandments because 
they are wonderful and they shed light.   Explain why you are committed 
to follow the Lord's decrees.

 2.  The Psalm assures us that we go forward if we follow God's precepts, 
and in so doing we avoid every false way.  Speak of  how God's 
commandments protect you on your journey of faith and draw you 
closer to God.

1 comment:

  1. What do God’s decrees, precepts, statutes, or commands mean for us ?

    Most of all I love your commands.

    I was told to keep the ten commandants given through Moses. Our psalmist in 119 indicates that those who follow and obey the Lord’s decrees with all their hearts are truly blessed. This is the way of truth for those who are trustworthy, righteous and wise. Because His decrees are full of wisdom and discernment that give us counseling for right living. They will help me turn my eyes away from worthless things and worldly desires. Moreover, His laws prevent us from stumbling and sinning.

    I see now why our palmist writes. If my soul is weary with sorrow, heavily burdened with laws, God knows it will be hard for us humans beings to keep all the laws even though He knows they are good for us and for our salvation.
    I pray that I might not sin against God over and over again, even though His commands are hard to put into practice in my daily life, I know by living according to His words and in obeying fully His decrees I will be blessed to the end.

    Yes the Lord’s decrees are my delight and more precious than silver or gold, and sweeter than honey. They will help me to gain understanding and also preserve my life in His righteousness and sustain me. I know He will discard all the wicked who do not observe His decrees. But His grace and mercy and love will pardon us.

    And so I take delight in keeping His laws because His laws direct my footsteps. In fact His laws are like a mirror to reflect my sins, keeping me from straying for the sake of my benefit. I thank God He gives us his laws to guide us on right living like a road map leading me safely to heaven - our final destination.

    Yes, I am looking for His promise. Thank you Lord, for having preserved my life thus far. Instead of dreading how to keep His words I will meditate on and delight in His words because I taste the sweetness in them.
    And I will not neglect His words. After all He is my counselor - the way of truth that will make me a better person and draw me nearer to God.
    Thanks be to God !
