Monday, July 6, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, July 12, 2020


“The Lord has visited the land 
and watered it; greatly has He 
enriched it.” 
Water is so critical for 
place like the Holy Land, 
as it is here in the arid 
climate of Southern 
California.  Without water 
we could not produce any fruit.   We are blessed that “God's watercourses are filled” and He provides us with an abundant harvest.

We also depend upon the Lord to supply us with what 
Jesus called the living water
that satisfies our spiritual thirst. 
Jesus is the Word that drenches us, 
adorns our year with plenty.  
How else could we bear fruit?  
With his showers He softens the land, 
blessing its young sprouts (that is us). 
We are like untilled meadows without 
his word and his grace.  How else 
could we expect our pastures 
to be blanketed with grain? 

The Lord prepares the earth;
He adorns our paths with fruitful rain. 
The hills are robed in joy.
God’s Word is showered down upon us, 
and does not return to God void; 
we do his will;
we are his witnesses; 
we keep the faith. 


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist speaks about the Lord having visited the land and watered it.   
Tell of how the Lord has drenched you with His living water that yields a fruitful 

2.  The Psalm assures us that the Lord breaks up the clods of the land and 
softens it with showers.  Give an example of how God's Word has softened 
you up spiritually and led you to do His will.


1 comment:

  1. J Kim6:14 PM

    As I reflect on this week's gospel reading, I am not sure which kind of soil I am... for the Lord. Am I the well-trodden path, where birds sweep down and have their fill? Or perhaps I am the rocky ground; I receive His word with joy, but don't have the depth of a root system to withstand when trials come. Other days, I am like the thorns... the temptations and delights of the world choke out the true nutrition that my heart needs. Once in a while, I feel like the good soil and feel enabled to understand and share the Word of God.

    I also find it interesting that those who understand His word, can receive and be graced to understand even more. The opposite is also true: those who don't have much, even what little they have, can be taken away.

    Why would this be?

    I believe it's because once we receive understanding, there are steps to take to nurture the gift and allow it to bear fruit that multiples. We need to do our part to keep our spiritual vision clear and our spirit-filled ears tuned into His channel. If we allow too much to distract us in our field of vision or hearing, we can become focused on the wrong things. Or have no focus.

    The discipline of daily prayer, regular journaling or scheduled studies of His Word are all helpful in keeping open our eyes and ears. If we struggle with such activities, even acknowledging that it's difficult and that we need His grace is powerful.

    God is the Ultimate Sower -- in charge of pouring fourth abundant waters upon the earth for bountiful grain. He wants the soil of our hearts to be ready for his life-giving, life-changing nutrients.
