Monday, June 22, 2020

Psalm for Sunday, June 28, 2020


"The promises of the LORD I will sing forever."

Whatever our circumstances, 
we are encouraged to sing 
to the Lord of His goodness.
Just as Elisha promised the 
woman of Shunem that 
she would bear a son
(this Sunday's first reading),
so does the Lord reach out
to us in unlikely 

The Lord surprises us when 
we are barren; He renews us 
when we are spent; He grants us a share in the life of 
the Messiah even though 
we are unworthy and sinful.

All we have to do is bear our cross and praise Him, 
sing of His promises forever, as our psalmist says. 
There may be interruptions in our joy, and there 
will be times when we will question, “How could 
the Lord allow this to happen to me?” But so long 
as we bear our cross with dignity and die to sin, 
then we are living for God in Christ Jesus, 
as St Paul reminds us. (Romans 6:11)

Jesus says in today’s Gospel that we are not worthy
of Him if we do not take up our cross.  We must lose
our life for Christ in order to find it.  (Matthew 10: 38-39)
Despite the setbacks we face, we must endure;
for as St Paul tells us, endurance produces character
and character produces hope, which does not
disappoint. (Romans 5: 3-5)

Whatever it takes, our psalmist tells us, “Through
all generations my mouth shall proclaim your 
faithfulness.” Our job is to know the joyful shout;
to walk in the light of God’s countenance; and to 
sing the goodness of the Lord forever.


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Are you able to sing of the promises of the Lord even when you have been 
disappointed or are suffering?  Explain

2.  Are you one of the blessed people who walk in the light of the Lord’s 
countenance?  Speak of how His countenance is reflected in your own face.

1 comment:

  1. J Kim3:28 PM

    The past few weeks have brought much suffering to the United States through COVID-19, rage over racism, and a cultural revolution to reject parts of American history, current socio-political norms and embrace only "approved thought." Some of the pain is physical, while other examples are of the mental, emotional sort. Regardless, troubling days dominate despite the beautiful summer sun.

    Rather than get too caught up in stressful headlines, I find my refuge in the Lord. I have always felt that singing readies our hearts to be in praise mode. "Father, I adore you... and I lay my life before you... how I love you...." The lyrics of even such a simple song brings tears to my eyes and raises me closer to God. Why? I believe that our Father in heaven designed us to enjoy Him. We have God-shaped holes in our hearts that only He can fill. That completion makes us feel loved, joyful, content, and at peace... no matter the circumstances of the world around us.

    People are beginning to whisper that the takedown of historical statues will lead next to the takedown of cultural and religious figures -- including "white Jesus." I must emphasize here that I am not pointing the finger at any one group, as the mob mentality is multi-racial. Reports of evil tidings swirl around -- bad news on the way.

    Jesus is clear that the righteous will not be shaken. With a note of praise on my lips, I have no fear. (Or at least, less...). My heart is secure -- trusting in God's protection. Therefore, how can my countenance not be filled with light ... just like His? A mere reflection of His luminosity. A light for these dark times...

    To circle back to Psalm 89, I love the opening verse, "I will sing of your mercies O Lord, forever; with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations."
