Monday, May 6, 2019

Psalm for Sunday, May 12, 2019


"We are God's people,
the sheep of his flock." 

The Psalm begins with a call for us
to 'sing joyfully to the Lord.'  That
same joyful spirit filled St Paul and 
his companions when they began 
their ministry to the Gentiles that 
day in Antioch.  (Acts 13:14, 43-52)
And their ministry has become our 
ministry – as our psalmist says, 
we are called to 'worship the Lord 
with cries of gladness; come before 
Him with joyful song.' 

But after all, we are like sheep, and 
we need someone to look after us 
so that we don't go astray.  What 
could be better than to have Jesus
as our Good Shepherd?   We are his 
lambs; we hear his voice; He knows 
us; and we follow Him. 

As our psalmist says, we belong to God.
And God has given us to his Son. No one 
can take us out of his hand, as Jesus tells 
us in today's Gospel. (John 10:27-30)
We are a well tended flock indeed. 

As our Lord's sheep, we hear his voice, 
we follow Him, and we praise Him because,
'Good indeed is the Lord, his love endures 
forever, his faithfulness lasts through every 


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  There is something comforting about being shepherded by
our Lord Jesus.  Our psalmist says we are 'the flock He tends.'
Speak of how you feel to be one of His sheep.

2.  The Psalm tells us to 'serve the Lord with gladness.'   Give an
example of how you are serving Him with a joyful spirit.


  1. J Kim6:22 PM

    What an uplifting Psalm! Two themes are extremely powerful for me. First, we may be helpless sheep but we have an all-powerful Shepherd to guide us. Second, the physical and heart state of praise and thanksgiving are the tools we need for victorious living.

    The sheep-in-pasture image used in this week’s Psalm blog is beautiful; I am reminded of the days when I could hoist my then-little children on my back or in my arms when they were tired or needed to be extricated from a mess. Is it any different with our adult lives and the Lord our rescuer? He is there to scoop us up in His loving arms WHENEVER we call on Him.

    Many times, we find ourselves in a rut. We might feel depressed, overwhelmed, or anxious. I call to mind another Psalm.
    “O My God, my life is cast down upon me (and I find the burden more than I can bear); therefore will I (earnestly) remember You...”
    Psalm 42:6 (Everyday Life Bible — Amplified).

    The way out of the pit is not to continue to focus on the problems. God instructs us how to get out: remembering Him and singing His praises. We are to flip the switch during times of trouble and thank Him for the good in our lives. As this week’s Psalm, v.2 says, “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” (NIV)

    Coming to Him with a glad spirit, arms raised, voices lifted, only increases our joy and strengthens us to conquer whatever situation we are facing. Dwelling on the negative only invites the enemy with yet more discouragement and doubt.

    Praise God, indeed and may our joyful spirits please Him and bring us courage, light, and yes, more joy.

  2. Our psalmist assures us that we are God’s people. It is God who made us, and we are the sheep of his pasture. Since God is our creator, He is worthy to receive our worship and praise.

    But there were the times I drifted away from his presence even though I know Jesus is our good Shepherd. I did not put Him as my first priority. Instead my own worldly desires were the center of my own little life.

    Finally I have realized that without Jesus’s leading and guidance I would lose the way to home. As his lamb I carefully heed his voice and follow Him joyfully, willingly to come into His presence. And then eventually I will be a submissive, obedient sheep among His flock.

    Thanks to God for disciplining me to hear his voice calling my name. By reading the scriptures, The Holy Spirit gives me discernment to be able to distinguish between His voice and the devil’s voices. I feel fortunate to say I am one of his sheep and able to serve Him with a joyful spirit. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever.
