Monday, April 16, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, April 22, 2018


"Take refuge in the Lord."

This Sunday's Psalm is an Easter song. 
The psalmist speaks of our Savior, our 
cornerstone.  Our Savior is Jesus, and 
though He appeared weak and beaten 
on the cross, He became victorious over 
death.  The psalmist speaks of that same 
irony, “The stone rejected by the builders 
has become the cornerstone.” 

The Psalm tells us we are to, “Take refuge in 
the Lord.”  Though mortals may disappoint us, 
the Lord will not leave us discouraged.
Better to take refuge in the Lord than to put 
one's trust in princes.  Little children know 
instinctively whom to trust -- they know where 
the love is coming from.  And we are the same; 
as children of God, we put our trust in the Lord.   
He is the Good Shepherd.  
Where else would we turn?

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of 
the LORD.”  It is none other than the Good 
Shepherd who comes in the name of the Lord,
to care and protect us sheep.  (See also today's 
Gospel, John 10:11-18).
Our calling is only to listen for His voice and 
to follow Him.  Who else knows us as He does, 
or is willing to lay down his life for us?

The psalm recalls for us the paschal mystery 
of Christ, who is crucified, resurrected,
and then exalted as the capstone of our faith.
God has shown his love for his people -- 
Jesus’ risen presence among us
is living proof of God’s enduring love.
Our psalmist confirms this, “God’s love 
endures forever.”
The Lord’s deliverance is cause for joy.
God’s love is empowering, as the psalm 
suggests, this is how we pass from death to life.

We may not have been one of those who 
saw Christ after He rose from the dead, 
but He is no less real to us.   There is no doubt 
that God's divine intervention 
was at work in Christ’s resurrection.  
As the psalmist says, we know,
“By the Lord has this been done, 
it is wonderful in our eyes.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our psalmist reminds us more than once to trust God, not mortals or princes.   

Even though you may not have seen the Lord in person, do you have any difficulty 
trusting in one you have not seen?   Explain.

2.  The Psalm says, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'   This verse 

is used in scripture to welcome Jesus.   Discuss how you have welcomed Jesus 
into your life.

1 comment:

  1. I came to realize that it is definitely better for me to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man or worldly pleasures. As the psalmist points out, the Lord is good, his love endures forever.

    The Lord has become my salvation. Although Jesus was rejected, He is now the capstone -- the most important part of the church which is holding the whole arch together.

    I trust God to guide me here on earth and lead me to the eternal destination. Yes, it is futile to trust anything or anyone more than God, even if I am overwhelmed with my suffering, hardships, and guilt due to my sins. If I am led by His voice and follow Him, I will be on the right track. It gives me a feeling of security in the midst of a changing world.
    I feel more confidence in his eternal love for me.

    God has done mighty things for human beings. I am sure that I will not die but live forever. Therefore my soul shall be saved. The palmist sees that God has shown his love for his people.

    Jesus is the Good Shepherd who comes in the name of the Lord to care for and protect us, his sheep, for whom He is sacrificed. He won victory over death and was resurrected. His presence is among us.
    His promise is faithfully fulfilled. For that I give Him thanks and praise, for He is good. He is worthy to receive our praise and worship forever.

    That's why I take refuge in the Lord rather than in man, who is futile.
    Jesus is my God, my Savior who was exalted by God. He is obedient to His father to the point of his death for our salvation. Even though I have not seen Him physically in person, yet His spirit in union with the Holy Spirit speaks to me. His love remains with me until the end. And so I feel blessed to believe in Jesus, to accept Him, and to invite Him into my life as my Savior. He saved me. His love endures forever.
