Monday, January 29, 2018

Psalm for Sunday, February 4, 2018


Psalm 147: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6   (Read)

“Praise the Lord, who heals 
the brokenhearted.”                                                                 


The Psalm says that the Lord “rebuilds Jerusalem” 
and “heals the brokenhearted, binds up our wounds.”

There is comfort in these words for all of us.  The Psalm 
points to the healing power of Jesus, our Lord and Savior,
which is depicted in this week’s Gospel.  (Mark 1:29-39)

We too can be rebuilt from the inside out by the promise 

of our Lord's salvation.  It is surely by the grace of God
that we are made well.  It is God's grace that drives the 

demons out of us; there is no room in our hearts for both 
the Holy Spirit and the demons.  And we obtain God's grace
from the sacraments, which empower us to be well physically,
emotionally, and spiritually.

There is even hope for someone beaten down like Job,
whom we hear about in Sunday's 1st reading. (Job 7:1-4, 6-7)
Like Job we may be poor in spirit, but it is at our moment 

of greatest weakness that the Lord will call us by name –
“He numbers all the stars, calls each of them by name.”

Having put our trust in the Lord, He will sustain us, 

“The Lord sustains the lowly.”  Once we realize that the Lord 
takes care of the lowly (for we are His sheep), we can not help
but praise God, preach the Gospel, and boast in our faith as 
does St Paul. (1 Corinthians 9:16-18, 23)
Our Psalmist says it well – “How good to sing praise to God;
how pleasant to give fitting praise.”


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  Our Psalm response this Sunday is, 'Praise the Lord, who heals 

the brokenhearted.'  Explain how the verses of the Psalm give you hope 
that the Lord will 'bind up your wounds.'

2.  Our psalmist says that the Lord 'calls each of the stars by name.'
Does this verse give you comfort that our Creator also knows your name
and seeks you out despite the infinite size of the universe? What does this
verse mean to you?


  1. Rudy H5:34 PM

    Who is like our God? There is none other like Him; in Him we have perfect peace and trust for His strength and wisdom are infinite. We have every confidence that we may go to Him, for He never leaves nor forsakes His children.

    Is anything on this earth out of the controlling hands of Almighty God? No! He reigns supreme over all of heaven and earth.

    Are we broken in heart? We can go to God, for He, alone, can heal the broken in heart.

    Are we deeply wounded? God binds up the wounds of His children and gently carries them in His arms.

    Are we cast down by those of this world? God will lift up the meek if we put our trust in Him.

    Though it may appear that the wicked have control over this world, it is not so! The day will come when God will put everything in its rightful place; true justice will be served.

    This is the God we serve! This is the Lord! We go to Him today, for in Him is all goodness, righteousness, and truth. Satan, the father of lies, has bound this world with his evil ways, but the Lord will triumph over all. The time will come when even Satan will be bound, forever!

  2. Praise the Lord! The Lord delights in those who fear him, and who put their hope in His unfailing love. He sustains the humble, heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds. He is our creator. He supplies the earth with rain, makes the grass grow, and provides us with food and satisfies us with the finest of wheat. And He has revealed his word to Jacob, and given His laws and decrees to Israel. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power: His understanding has no limit.

    Those words of praise of our psalmist comfort me and give me strength whenever I feel troubled and can not understand myself and whenever I am full of fear. He reminds me again that I have God, who has almighty power and that God understands me beyond limit.

    Moreover, God will bind my wounds and heal my broken heart. It is comforting to know about God’s unfailing love for me. Knowing all that, I have to focus on God and learn more of His way instead of worrying about me. In fact I have learned that any individual who follows God is special to Him.

    I am special to God. His understanding has no limit. Knowing God’s character as my creator, I worship him with trust. Praise God !
