Monday, April 24, 2017

Psalm for Sunday, April 30, 2017


 Psalm 16: 1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11  (Read)

“With the Lord at my right hand, I shall never be shaken.”


In this psalm David expresses his joy and enthusiasm
for a life lived in the presence of God.  For us too, 
God is the source of our joy.  So long as we choose 
God and follow his Word, we too will be offered
that allotted cup of blessings that David refers to,
“Lord, my allotted portion and my cup,
you have made my destiny secure.”

St Peter cites the Psalm's verses in today’s 1st reading,
and Peter affirms that David's verses speak of the
resurrection of Christ. (Acts 2: 25-28, 31)
A key reference for Peter is Verse 10 of the Psalm,
“You will not suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption,”

Death is destroyed; our faith in everlasting life with our 
resurrected Lord is confirmed.  As David says, “I set the 
Lord ever before me; abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.”

For us too these are encouraging words.  The Lord promises,
if we are his faithful servants, that we will not have to see the pit;
He will not abandon us.  As David says, this is enough to make 
our hearts glad and our souls rejoice.

When the Lord is with us, do not our hearts burn within us, 
as the two disciples declare on the road to Emmaus in today's 
Gospel? (Luke 24:32)
Our burdens are made light; His yoke is easy, and that gladdens
the heart and strengthens the body.   We raise a song of praise 
to our risen Savior!


Discussion Questions for Reflection

1.  The Psalm 's verses  affirm that we who are His faithful ones will remain in the 
presence of our Lord forever.  Speak of how you are encouraged by the Psalm's promises.

2.  Our psalmist inspires us to set the Lord ever before us and if we do so, "My soul rejoices, my body too abides in confidence."   How do you go about putting the Lord first in your life despite 

all the worldly distractions that surround us.


  1. On the road to Emmaus, the 2 followers of Jesus were joined by a 3rd man who seemed to be educated and very knowledgeable … a teacher,a prophet???? The 2 followers were very
    impressed with this man, and wanted to befriend him, and wanted him to join them for dinner.
    He must have really impressed them ... and He was only showing them His human side. How amazing!!!!!!
    Then, when He broke bread and shared it, they suddenly realized who He was, and they must have been dumbfounded, and then He disappeared ... His “God” side.
    And then seeing “Him” again after they joined up with more of His followers. A “full Day”, seeing both the Human and the Divine sides of God … how lucky is that!!!

  2. With the Lord at my right hand, I shall never be shaken.

    Our psalmist knows that as long as we choose God’s will first and follow his word, we will experience his presence before us and gain joy, blessings, and insight. Those inner joys will be ours in the midst of pain, troubles, and at times failure.

    By reading this psalm I was encouraged by his promise that I shall never be shaken with the Lord at my right hand. My companionship with the Lord is very important. Even though I sometimes am distracted by worldly desires, I know I am nothing apart from Him.

    By constantly seeking God’s will and His way I can gain wisdom and insight so that I can make a right decision. He shows me the path of life. He will fill me with joy in his presence. I feel I am secure and saved by Him.
    I will live forever, and have eternal life with Him.
    Praise the Lord, My soul! Keep me safe forever
